Chapter 2

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*This is the banshee talking here, you know how you listen to music it gives you ideas, well it gave me an idea so I hope you like Chapter 2*
Marissa's POV
It all started out with my babies being fine I go to the bathroom and I throw up blood. I have no idea what's going on Justin left to go get my clothes so I can head home, but something is wrong. I push the call button for the nurse but no one comes. I push it ten times and finally there's the nurse holding back my hair and she says "everything's alright Marissa. Your father should have told you both your parents should have told you."

I'm thinking like tell me what. Why am I thirsty for blood. I try to control myself. I yell at her saying, "WHAT SHOULD THEY HAVE TOLD ME?!"

She tells me, "That your are an alpha!"

I'm thinking in my head, this has to be a dream there is no way in hell I could be a an alpha. Werewolves don't exist. My husband isn't a wolf. My parents aren't either. Lady you must be on some high shit right now. "I want another nurse, NOW!"

She tries to calm me down but I growl at her. I turn back to the toilet and puke again.

"What the hell is going on with me?" Why the hell did I just growl at her? The lady says, "because you felt threatened."

I ask her, "How the hell did you know what I was thinking?"

"Marissa, we hear everything, we have telekinesis. Your father is the packs leader. I knew one day you would find out but I was hoping you wouldn't find out this soon. I'm so sorry Marissa."

"I say, just leave me be, wiping my mouth, and grabbing my toothbrush. I don't need your high ass near my kids, I'm not a werewolf. I am a human being. There is no way possible that I can be a wolf."

"But Marissa you must understand," she says.
"No shut your mouth, I will not listen now get out of here," I said to her.

"Marissa, your husband is an alpha from another pack, to keep from fighting the daughter from our alphas pack must marry the son of our old rival pack to keep from a rising war between his brothers pack," she says.
I look at her name tag and say, "Kenzie, this is not happening. You took something today. You are not right in the head. Go home. My dad will understand why. You need to leave."

"Marissa, honey, oh god, Kenzie no. You didn't, did you, my husband asks."

"Justin, I had to she was puking up blood. Her senses are correct. She needed to know," Kenzie said.

"Justin, please get her out. I don't want her in here. She's crazy," I exclaimed.

My father walks in saying, "actually Marissa, she's not. I know I should have told you when you were younger but I wanted to protect you from the rogues."

"Dad, you are not making any sense," I said with a confused look.

"Marissa, nothing in this world will ever make sense due to us." My father shifts. I scream loudly and I fall to the ground.

I wake up to a light being shined in my eyes. Oh thank god it was only a dream, I think to myself.
"Actually it wasn't honey," says my dad.

"Dad, this actually can't be true, all my life I've been sent to a normal school, worked my whole life trying to get where I am now," I explained.

"You really think I would send you out into the world of rogues, says my dad. I'm not that stupid. Your mother and I sent you to the schools that only had our kind in it. You've been like this since you've been born. When your mother and I found out we were having a girl, we kept this a secret from you. Why do you think I'm always gone when you were little. My brother and I had meetings to discuss marriage for you both. You were to marry Justin here. To join our packs together. Justin is his adoptive son. So we ended up making a truce. Justin knew about this all when he turned 10. But was told to keep this from you until you were ready but apparently Kenzie can't keep her fucking mouth shut."

"Dad, it was probably a good idea she didn't because," I shift into my white fur. I howl. Then shift back into my human form. I've known for quite a while. "I just didn't know what happened to me though, everything I saw a threatening animal at our back door at the house, I shifted with my babies still inside of me, I said tiredly"

"Marissa, you should never shift while pregnant. How many times did you do it," asked my father.

"10 times, I didn't know dad, I was exhausted but after that my babies kicked a lot. I'm sorry father I didn't know," I said with a tear in my eye.

"It's okay darling. I'm just glad Michael and Angel are okay. You need to get your rest anyway. I'm going to go home. You will be after Justin signs these papers for you to be discharged, my father exclaimed. Kenzie, you are to resign after this, you almost ruined everything. My daughter could have freaked."

"Dad, no she was only trying to help," I say growling. Just let her stay. I want her to stay.

"Tharon, I can't leave this place and you know why," she cries out. She grabs my fathers hands and puts them on her belly. He smiles when he feels a baby kick.

"Kenzie, why didn't you tell me in the first place," he asks.

"Todd, he wanted it to stay a secret," she says. You know your brother wanted one of his own."

"Wait I'm going to be a big brother," asked Justin.

"Yes Justin, your father wanted to wait until I got a little bigger to tell everyone," she said with a smile on her face.

"Kenzie, wait, Justin isn't this your stepmother," I ask.

"Yes my love, she kept everything a secret they got secretly married a year ago after we got married. I just wanted to wait to introduce you today but she already told you now. Come on darling let's go home," Justin explains.

"Marissa, are you okay," he yells for me.

I lie there very still tears are rolling down my face, I'm holding my chest, I look down and blood is spreading down my chest onto the blankets. No one tells you what death feels like but you see that perfect light at the end of a darkened area. God starts to judge you but someone pulls you back into life, saying it's not time. But I still lay there tears are rolling down my husbands face while the team of surgeons rush me to the O. R. and he looks at me and mouths I love you.

Justin's POV
I'm going to lose my wife. Why did he have to come? He couldn't just leave a note saying congratulations. No my dad's best friend, the one who started the war again because he heard his ex-lover was pregnant with his best friends child. Instead of shooting Kenzie, he shoots my wife. I told my father if I catch Frank I'm going to kill him with my bare hands and he won't see the light of day. I want him dead for what he has done, but it has been days since he shot my wife, they can't find him anywhere. How can he be a human anyway? He's a rogue. He hunts us, trying to kill us. We will find him and make him pay. He's lucky my wife is stable. But she's been in a coma for far to long. It's all because of him.

"Hunters, friends, father, we are going to find Frank, he is going to pay for hurting my wife. He will not see the light of day. I need you to help me find him. I want him alive. He needs to suffer the pain I have gone through all my life because of when he killed my mother and my real father when I was a baby. He needs to suffer a long line of pain. Bring him back here alive. I will reward you with something great for whom ever finds him. Good luck to you all and may god help you find him," he growls before sending them off on the hunt.

~So I got a little attached with my characters already, I know this is what you weren't planning for but I love to dramatize things. Thanks for reading. Love yas!!!

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