Chapter 25

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*3rd PERSON*
At this point, one person in the mansion rarely talked to the other; except Ayato and Yui. Yoshiko had completely healed by this time, but she still wasn't awake. It seemed like she healed so long ago, she just never got up.
Everyone was giving up hope, even though it had only been a short, yet seemingly long, period of time. They all thought it was over; until a loud thud sounded throughout the mansion. From the room Yoshiko was in.
The first to rush there was Shu. Even at the questions of the others, he didn't reply as they slowly showed up. They were all speechless. Yui dropped to her knees, in tears.
On the ground was a pile of blankets, with two eyes peering out from the top. Slowly the pile shuffled and stood up. But when the blankets fell and Yoshiko was revealed, Yui couldn't control herself.
"G-Guys...why do you all look like that...?" Yoshiko obliviously asked. When no one answered and they only stared, she went to her sister. She picked her up, almost falling again as Yui attacked her with a hug.
"Yoshiko, you scared the shit out of me!" She screeched, surprising Yoshiko at her language. Though the older sibling didn't understand why, when she finally let go of Yui, she was jumped by 4 vampires.
      The triplets and Subaru all hugged Yoshiko, telling her that they were all glad she was safe. She said thank you and other things, though it all sounded more like questions. When they let go, Reiji patted her head, saying he was glad too.
      "Why do you look like you're going to cry...?" Yoshiko mumbled, walking over to Shu. He only looked down at her as she reached a hand to his cheek. His hand went straight on top of hers and held it.
      "You're not dead." Was all he managed to say as he stared down at the girl.
      "I'm sorry?" She said, laughing a little. He just pulled her into a tight hug and held onto her. She smiled and hugged him back, even if she didn't know why they were all acting like this.
      When they finally pulled away, she looked at everyone, "Now, can someone explain why you're all like this?"
      "You fought and killed Casey, remember?" After Yoshiko nodded, Yui continued, "Well Jiro found you after the fight and brought you back."
      "Okay, so that doesn't explain why you're crying. He brought me back, and I just woke up." Yoshiko replied, still oblivious.
      "6 months later."
*Yoshiko's POV*
      My eyes went wide, then I quickly shook my head in disbelief.
      "No, no that's impossible." Reiji then explained to me that because my wound was so close to my heart it took me a while to heal but also resulted with me in a coma. I ended up realizing it must have been true, then I felt bad. But I remembered something.
      "Hold on." I glared at them all. "Yui was the only one who actually believed me when I went out to the woods and got attacked." I rolled my eyes as they all started apologizing.
      "Yoshi-chan, I'm sorry~ In the moment I didn't believe you but I realized you wouldn't do such a thing."
      "I knew you'd never do something like that to Ore-sama."
      "Teddy and I forgave you when you were in a coma."
      "I already fucking forgave you, idiot."
      "I apologize for not trusting your word, Yoshiko."
      I turned to Shu after all the other brothers apologized. He looked away from me, starting to say something.
      "Eh? I can't hear you if you're facing the other direction." I teased him, as he faced me with an annoyed expression.
      "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I knew you wouldn't do something like that, I was just upset. And I'm sorry for being a dick." He mumbled out.
      "And I'm sorry for saying what I did before I just disappeared." I said back and he looked down, barely blushing.
      "So...does that mean you love me?" He asked quietly, getting shy for no reason. I giggled and put my hands on his cheeks.
      "Yes, Baka~" "Good." Then he was fine again and leaned forward, kissing me.
      Laito and Yui awed, Subaru gave a small 'tch', and Reiji told us maybe there was a better time for this. So we pulled away and glared slightly at them all.
      "Y-Yoshiko! You missed your birthday, so I wanna take you out for something." Yui smiled wide at me, before grabbing my hand and taking me to her room to get dressed. While I was changing she went to talk to the boys, I didn't know what about, but I just went with it.
      Before I knew it, Yui and I were in a store, dress shopping. I would try one on, but I wouldn't like it that much. Until finally I found one that peaked my interest. I tried it on and came out of the dressing room.
      "Yoshiko! You look so good. Get it!" Yui practically screamed. I laughed and twirled around jokingly, until she told me to get changed back so we could buy our dresses.
      When we bought our dresses (she insisted on paying), we went to a few random stores. After it all, we got new shoes. When our little spree was over, it was night and we went back to the mansion.

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