"I have to admit, Pedro," He turned around to face his table. Peter took short and hesitant steps to the man, inspecting his movements and analyzing the place. "Your courage is admirable. I like that." The man turned to meet his gaze and rested his hands over the edge of the metallic table.

Before saying anything, Peter raised his hand and webbed the man to the table. "Why are you doing this? Selling weapons, illegal stuff? Just for some money? Man, money it's not that important."

"What can you know? You're not even 18. When you struggle to raise a family, you will know why I'm doing this." He grunted. "If you make it alive, of course." He nodded and instantly pressed a button.

The boy's gaze turned to the gigantic wings turning on and starting to fly towards his direction. He rapidly jumped over the columns to dodge the wings, and it worked, but they kept coming back to him. Peter found himself desperate to find another plan to get those wings out his way, but they kept following him.

"Hey, bird dude! Isn't it obvious that no matter how much you try to take me down with your wings, you will always fail? I'm faster!" He cockily yelled to the man, who only smirked.

"I'm not trying to take you down." The man yelled back and Peter landed on the floor with a confused look under the mask.

Suddenly, the wings began flying around the empty space, breaking each column and letting the rests fall next to the teen. Peter tried to web them together to avoid the building to fall, but he was running out of web fluid. He knew he was in serious trouble when the ceiling began to tremble, and the man was already standing under the exit to fly away from the storage.

"I liked you, Pete. But you didn't give me that much of a choice." He said before flying away.

Then, the building fell before Peter could even say anything else.


Cassie paced from left to right in front of the storage, her eyes flickering from the building to the chains around her wrists. She needed something to break them with, something strong enough. The brunette searched around the land for a sharp rock, but it was hard without any light to help her.

"Dammit." She mumbled as she picked a random rock. "Why is it always me? Do I have a fucking sign that says 'Kidnap me'?"

Inside her chest, she knew something was wrong, even though he tried to ease it with random thoughts. The storage was too quiet, she felt the need to let the chains aside and break in to go and try to help Peter take the man down, but without her powers, she would be completely useless for the cause.

When a loud noise came from the storage, Cassie arose and threw the rock somewhere on the floor before jogging inside. She tried to let her eyes adjust to the darkness in the place, but after a few moments, it wasn't necessary, because the ceiling above her began trembling and soon enough she found herself covering her head and body with her own arms to stop the impact of the building falling over her.

She screamed. The pain wasn't dreadful, but it definitely hurt her legs. A loud cough left her lips as she weakly pushed the bricks away from her body. Her gaze turned to her wrists, in hope of finding them without the horrible chains.

"Help! Hey! Hello? Can somebody help me?" Her head shot up at the sound of Peter's voice croaking. "Please help me?" He said quieter this time.

Cassie shakily dragged herself to follow his terrified voice, it broke her heart. She at least could manage to slow down the impact by hiding behind a column, but he couldn't. The girl wanted to cry just by thinking in how much pain he would be in that moment.

"Peter–" She whispered.

"C–Cassie–" He said, and his voice broke. "Cassie–Cassie, are you o–"

"I–I'm going to help you." She exclaimed while hurriedly moving the bricks from the large one over him. His sobs became louder and constant, which pressured her to act faster. "I–I'm getting you out of here."

"Y–You're going t–to hurt yourself."

Cassie exhaled deeply as she held the lower part of the brick and used all her strength to pull it up, but as she did so, the dreadful pain in her wrist made her yell and let go the massive brick. The brunette fell to the floor sobbing and clutching her wrist against her chest, she knew she pushed too hard on it.

"I can't–I can't do it. I'm so sorry."

Peter pressed his lips together. He didn't want to talk, he was scared to look vulnerable in front of the girl he loved. He had vowed himself to always protect her, and how could he do that being under a massive brick ceiling? He hated himself deeply, his eyes searched for her, but even blinking hurt him.

"N–No." Cassie sobbed again, crawling back to him. "I–I'm getting you out."

Before Peter could protest, the brunette was already shakily standing up and putting her hands under the brick ceiling, the boy opened his mouth to talk but he felt the strong weight over his body starting to dissolve. He looked up at Cassie biting her bottom lip as she struggled to keep lifting the brick, and he inhaled deeply before using the small energy he had left to help her. As soon as it was up enough for him to get out, Peter crawled out of the hole and watched the girl let go of the brick.

Suddenly, the only thing he could hear was her sobbing quietly and clutching her hand deep in her chest. Peter tried to crawl over to her, but he felt his eyelids getting heavier by the second, and soon he was laying unconscious on the dust, gaining Cassie's attention. Her heart began pounding in her chest and her wrist was instantly forgotten as she made her way to him and held his head in her arms.

"Peter? Peter, wake up." She exclaimed. She felt terrified. "C'mon, Peter." The girl cried as she softly patted his cheek. "C'mon, Spiderman. You have to wake up." She rested his head over her lap with shaky movements and began combing his brown hair. "Peter. Peter!"

Hurriedly, she pressed her ear over his chest to check his heart was still beating and a relieved sigh left her lips when she heard it. Cassie looked up to find a deserted street, not a soul could be seen. She didn't have phone, she didn't have anything to contact Tony with. She was alone.

"Help! Someone help me, please!" She cried desperately. "Please." Her voice lowered as she looked down at the boy laying in front of her. "I–I'm getting you out of here, P–Peter." She sobbed, kissing his forehead.



look at the parallels omg now she's crying with him in her arms

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look at the parallels omg now she's crying with him in her arms. it definitely hurt writing this.  i also used this as an excuse to see homecoming again, even if it hurt, i needed to see that scene to know what he says. i hate mysELF

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