Chapter 32

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Boboiboy POV

Just seeing Tok Aba in his coffin makes me want to rip my heart out.

Why can't he just stay with us a little longer?

I sat on our couch, a ton of people visited Tok Aba's wake.

Me and Fang stayed together the whole time, because I love him too much to leave him behind.

Fang would check up on me every once in a while because he knew I had the tendency to cry every minute.

This is what I love about Fang, he cares about his friends and loved ones more than himself.

"Boboiboy?" He whispered.

"Fang? What is it?" I asked.

"You okay there?" He said.

"Totally." I answered.

"If you're feeling bad, just tell me, okay?" He stated in concern.

His voice gives me hope, I don't know what to do without him.

For the past days since Tok Aba's death, I became a tad bit suicidal but whenever I come in contact with a knife, Fang would keep a sharp eye on me.

Sometimes I just wanna stab myself in the heart just to see Tok Aba in heaven or do any other suicidal acts just to see Tok Aba but I never knew I cared this much for grandad until now.

Fang poked me and I jolted back to reality, "Hey, Boboiboy? Are you okay? You look really focused."

"Oh, I-I'm okay. I was just getting really deep thoughts. That's all." I responded, barely even audible.

"Huh, what's that?" He answered, leaning in to hear me better.

"Oh, no. It's nothing. You don't have to worry at all." I smiled.

"Well, I'm going to get a glass of water. Don't you do anything stupid, okay?" He asked, standing from his seat.

I nodded as he walked away.

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