Chapter 30

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Boboiboy POV


I woke up, a loud sound banged from outside our house.

I stood up and go to the window, I see a red car has ran someone over and it doesn't look good.

I dash downstairs, stopping by Ochobot who was still charging.

"Ochobot! Ochobot!" I repeated.

After a few times, Ochobot finally woke up, "What is it? I just went back to sleep."

"Someone was ran over outside our house!" I yelled.

Adrenaline jolted to Ochobot's brain, "What? Tok Aba just went out a little while ago! No it can't be him."

Ochobot rolled over as he headed for the door and it was stained by some pecks of blood.

"O-Oh my..." He blinked, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"A-Atok!!!!" I screamed and ran to Atok, who was ran over.

"O-Ouch....B-B-B...o......o......" Atok whispered, he could hardly talk.

A small crowd gathered, it was still early in the morning anyways.

"Someone!!! Call an ambulance!!! Please!!!" I bellowed, I was devastated.


"The ambulance! There it is!" I dashed towards it and helped the people get Atok and the man on the car on the ambulance."

Both were breathing heavily and so was I.

I couldn't think straight, Atok was dying.

Ochobot and I were in the ambulance as it drive to the Rintis Island Medical Hospital.

"Could you drive a little bit faster?" I asked, leaning in to the driver's area.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm trying my best but there's a lot a cars and it takes time for them to drive to the side.

"Let's just get one with it!" I yelled, "Hurry!"

The ambulance drove through the highway fast but Tok Aba's heartbeat slowly decreased.

I was worried for life since I loved Tok Aba with my whole heart.

He took care of me since my pre-teen years.

I cupped his forehead saying, "Tok Aba, come on. Stay with me."

Tears started trickling down my cheeks as I looked down on to my feet.

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