Chapter 10

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It's been a few weeks, Tok Aba has recently arrived home and along with that, Fang and Boboiboy became great friends.

The next morning, Boboiboy woke up joyously.

He ate his breakfast, took a bath and proceeded to go to school.

The seven elemental superhero scampered towards their classroom and it was pretty empty since it was still early.

At that moment, Fang was in the classroom.

"Morning, Fang." Boboiboy greeted sincerely.

Again, Fang was distracted but Boboiboy easily caught his attention.

"Oh, hi.." Fang greeted back.

Boboiboy nodded happily as he got to his seat and placed his bag.


"Good morning, teacher!" The class greeted Teacher Papa.

"Good Morning, class. Please take your seats." Teacher Papa stated as he took out what seemed to be his class record.

"I'm going to give your scores today." He said, "Here we go,"

A few minutes of saying the test scores. It was finally Boboiboy's turn to get my scores.

"Boboiboy, Im very very proud of you! You got 100/100!" Teacher Papa congratulated Boboiboy as he was flabbergasted.

"Hmphhh." Whispered Yaya and Ying, "Of course! We can do much better than that!"

Teacher Papa sighed as he said their scores. "Yaya and Ying, you scored 90/100!"

"What!?" Ying and Yaya exclaimed in anger, "Grrrrr, Boboiboy!"

"And Gopal, your score is 17/100! Good job! You failed!" Teacher Papa said sarcastically.

"And for the final student, Fang. Got a total of 99/100!"

Fang's face brightened up but he made it not-so-obvious.

"Well, we're going to have an activity next so go and get a partner." Teacher Papa informed as he oriented what the activity would be.

~To be Continued~

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