Chapter 13

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"What's taking Fang so long?" Gopal asked, irritated.

"Yeah, I know." Boboiboy said in concern, "Maybe we should check it out."

The other nodded as they passed the same way Fang went.

As they walked farther, they saw Fang as leaned on a tree while sitting.

He was facing the other way, and he seemed so lonely.

"What could he be feeling?" The others thought.

Boboiboy dawdled towards the shadow manipulator and tried to catch sight of his face.

"Woah. He's crying!" Boboiboy thought.

"F-Fang!?" Boboiboy yelled, "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Y-Yeah, I'm okay." Fang sniveled as he wiped the tears away from his eyes.

The others noticed the situation and caught up.

"What's wrong?" Yaya questioned.

Fang gulped before he answered, "I'm leaving..."

Fang coughed as he continued to sob down his throat.

"What? Who told you that?" Gopal stated.

"M-My, parents...T-They called me." He said, and stopped sobbing.

"Are you sure you want to?" Ying asked.

"Of course I don't. I wanna stay with you guys...But..." He ended.

"But?" The group asked in unison.

"I'm sorry I can't. I just hope you guys understand my situation..." Fang attempted to smile.

"We do." Yaya answered.

"Well, when are you leaving?" Boboiboy asked.

"Tomorrow." Fang stated with regret.

Their eyes widened, "Tomorrow? Seriously?"

"Mhm." The shadow manipulator nodded.

"I-I guess it's farewell, Fang." Boboiboy grinned and patted Fang's shoulder.

The seven elemental superhero scampered towards his house as the group only watched me with their jaw dropping.

"Is he okay? He just left Fang." Gopal said.

"He is. I know he is okay." Fang stated, a small curve appearing in his lips, "He just needs time alone. When he's sad he needs some alone time."

"Oh..." Ying and Yaya mumbled.

"I-I guess I have to get going and get packing. *snivel*. Bye...guys..." Fang said, in a sad tone as he left.

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