Chapter 11

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Okay, so where were we...

"Everyone find a partner!" Teacher Papa shouted.

Boboiboy was about to go to Gopal but he had to meet the prinicipal due to his low score on most of his tests. It was only Boboiboy and Fang left.

"So, I guess it's going to be the both of us." Boboiboy said.

"Yah." Fang replied.

"So! You have to find 5 pieces of wood scattered around the school and give it to me. The first one to give it back will get a prize!" Teacher Papa explained how to do it and everyone listened attentively.

After a few minutes of explaining, the game started.

One of the rules of the game was to not be apart from your partner.

"Fang, let's search over there." Boboiboy insisted.

"Okay, sure." Fang continued. They walked over the fields and stepped on something hard.

Boboiboy and Fang looked down and found their first piece of wood. They placed it in a plastic and hurried to find more.

"Hmmm, I'm sure we will find a block of wood in the classroom!" Fang said.

"Yah, that's a great idea!" They went to their classroom and looked everywhere.

They didn't have any luck until Fang accidentally tippled over the trash bin and found a block of wood there.

They were very happy and hurried for their third block of wood.

"Three more to go!" Boboiboy said as he looked through the hallways.

"Wait, is that a block of wood over there?" He thought.

They hesitated at first but they continued anyway. They found two pieces of wood there.

"Wow! We are so lucky! Were gonna win this!" Fang yelled.

"Awesome!" Boboiboy replied.

"Were not losing to you." Ying said.

Boboiboy and Fang saw Ying with Yaya and they only needed one more block of wood too.

They hurried to the field to find more wood and so did Ying and Yaya.

"Oh yah! Here's a block of wood!" The hazel-brown eyed boy stated as he dashed towards the classroom with his partner, Fang.

But they weren't the only one winning, "Eh? You think you're winning? Of course we wont lose to you!" Yaya and Ying shouted as they ran to the classroom too.

Ying and Yaya and outran the two boys, but sadly, they miscounted their blocks of wood, and they actually only had four.

Fang and Boboiboy arrived and started chuckling slyly as they teased the girls.

But anyways, the boys one and so, they didn't have to help cleaning during dismissal.

~Okay, so another filler~

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