Chapter 6

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*30 minutes later*

Fang was already inside the classroom, answering the test he was talking about with Boboiboy.

The shadow manipulator scratched his head. It was too hard for him!

He groaned and whispered, "How did I get caught up in this mess?"

He sighed and continued answering, when suddenly the door creaked.

The whole class stared at the door, trying to figure out whose coming in.

"Hi again!" Boboiboy greeted as he peeked his head through the door.

Once he entered, the whole class was astounded.

"So... I fractured my arm." He grinned.

Fang chuckled slyly to Boboiboy's statement.

"What you chuckling at?" The seven elemental superhero asked disappointedly.

The others simply ignored his presence and continued to answer their test.

"Hmm...." Boboiboy murmured silently as he awkwardly sat down beside Ying.

*A while later*

"Okay, students! Pass your papers, now!" Teacher Papa announced.

The students passed their papers and smiled, for they knew they would be dismissed after this.

The teacher silenced the class as he dismissed them.

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