Chapter Seven: 18 Years Old

Start from the beginning

We got wasted upon the clifftops drowning out sorrows together. My grief over my father and his grief over his broken family.

His broken family was the reason he was completely and utterly pissed at me right now.

He took a long sip from the flask before passing it back to me. I drank from it and leant against the wall.

"Did you sleep with her?"

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. "I didn't but I wanted to. I was really close to and god I wanted to so much Oliver."

He took another sip of the flask.

He glared at me silently. "At least you didn't have a full-blown physical affair but an emotional one is so much worse."

"Wise words Ollie."

He frowned at me and his eyes gleamed with hurt. "Do you regret it?"

Did I regret it? I don't think I did. "No I don't regret it. I don't regret a moment I spent with Wren but I regret not breaking if off with Britt."

He nodded solemnly. "You're almost as bad as him."

"I'm nothing like your father Oliver."

"To me you are. You are a man who was in love with a women but dated another women for safety and insecurity reasons. Then you were with the first women emotionally and physically behind her back. The worst part of the lying Aaron. It will eat Britt up inside that's she's not good enough."

"You are the cause of her thinking she's not good enough. I've seen what it did to my mother when she wasn't who my shit-tit of a wanted to be with. He ran off with the other women and we haven't seen him since. Don't be my father." He ended bitterly snatching the flask back and taking four large gulps.

"I could never be like your father."

"You are more like him than you know Roe and that hurts. I think we should take a little bit of a friendship break for a while. Until I can look at you without feeling sick to my stomach."

I sighed and gripped his arm. "You're the best, best friend ever. Please don't kick me out of your life."

He smiled slightly. "I won't ever kick you out of my life but I need some space. Cheating is worse than murder in my books."

"I know."

"Yet you still did what you did."

I nodded not shying away from my mistakes. "I still did what I did. There's nothing I can do to change that."

  He walked away without a word.


  I quickly caught sight of Wren a few moments later waltzing out in that damn red dress. She was alone.

I quickly glanced over to the bar where Hunter was sat glaring at Wrens retreating back before he turned around and started flirting with the pretty blonde next to him.

  She turned around to look at Hunter and her face crumpled in pain before she fled out of the doors.

  I ran quickly after her slipping and sliding past dancers and straight out the doors only barely catching the door of the taxi Wren had slipped into.

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