"And what would you do if he doesn't accept it?"The man in the armored TPT suit continues to question."Lets just say he has to pay huge amounts for his mistress fune-"But before he could finish his sentence-I used both of my wrist that are still tied together andhit him in the neck.Then using my foot I hit him in the groin which made him weak and with that opportunity I took the gun that fell to the ground.I had never used a gun before.So my hands are shaky as I pointed the gun to his leg."Threatened me all you want but you should know that when you kick someone down several times they bounce back ten times harder."With that I pulled my first trigger and shot him on his leg and then on his hands.Certain number of the TPT team immediately took the enemy into a capture as I could feel myself being lightheaded.

So I fell to the ground-I can remember my hands finally being free and neymar hovering over me-repeatedly calling my name before darkness took over.


I removed the TPT head protection.Before taking serayah into my arms.I called her name multiple times but she did not answer.Panic immediately sets in.Her face is getting more paler and paler."I need an emergency helicopter in the helipad now!" As I took the steps to the the top of the building.

Within minutes I reached the area and there it was a helicopter ready to take serayah and I to the nearest hospital.

The doctors moved fast-They got serayah from my arms and started to treat her.I however waited in the private waiting room- nervous.

"Your Highness?"I allowed the doctor to enter.He handed me a bottle of water-"I suppose you need a drink-and considering we do not allow any alcohol so water is all I have to offer."He tries to lighten up the mood as I gave him a subtle nod."How is my wif-sorry the duchess condition?"I ask as I take my gulp."She is doing very well and we are assuming that she had fainted due to stress and the dehydration and well other than that we found an interesting discovery."He explains as I find myself letting out a breath of relief that I was holding but again I find myself holding another breath in the end of his sentence.

"Enlighten me."I ask him to continue."She is well um-with child your highness."And just like that I feel everything around me spin.


As soon as I woke up-serane as well as my mum was the first one that I spotted.I cracked a small weak smile as they look at me with sore eyes."Thank you lord"My mother immediately thanked the gods above as she rushed to my aid."How are you feeling-do you need anything-Serane call the doctor"Question after question she asks as serane press the button for the nurse."Do you need anything-water-food?Do you feel any pain?Do you need me to fluff your pillows-"She questions as I shook my head."Mum breathe-Exhale-Inhale"I Suggested her as she followed my technique.

"I sure do need water"As she reached for a glass of water that was sitting on my side table.I took a sip of the water before passing ut to her as she placed it on the table.As she sat on my bed-at the foot area."Honey,Why didn't you tell us?"Confused I was about to ask her what she meant when the door opened and the doctor came in.Neymar was hot in his trail and serane came in along with two other nurses.

"Ah-Duchess how are you feeling?"The doctor asks as neymar stood in the corner of the room.Serane joined my mother.I answered the doctor all that I remembered as he promised to give me the hospitality I needed and hopefully by tommorow I could be released.With that the doctor and his nurses walked out of the room.

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