This wasn't the first time this happened. I don't know why but (Y/N) tends to look for me more when she's drunk. I've told her a few times that when she goes out with friend or without me, she should not talk to strangers because we don't know what might happen to her. Some guys take advantages of girls who are intoxicated and I don't want that to happen to (Y/N) especially when I'm not around.  I don't why or how but that seemed to stick to her, especially when she gets drunk.

"Why are you so cute?" I said, looking at her lovingly. "I am not." She protested with her eyes shut. "Yes, you are." I whispered, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. "Heey! Shawn is the only one allowed to kiss me like that!" She frowned, lightly punching my chest. I rolled my eyes chuckling. Even when she's drunk, she's still stubborn as hell. As I reached the car, I gently placed her back on the ground to open the door. I helped her in and put on her seatbelt, her eyes staring at me intently watching my movements. "You okay like that or do you want to lean your seat back a bit?" I asked with one hand on the dashboard the other on the headdress, trapping her figure with my arms.

She placed her hand on my cheek and examined my face, her eyebrows knitting, concentration laced all across her features. "You're so handsome. But Shawn is waayy more handsome than you mister." I rolled my eyes laughing but still leaned the seat back a bit to make her comfortable.

"Oh my God (Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you that it is me? It's Shawn baby. I am your Shawn honey." I whispered, placing my hand on top of hers that was on my cheek, my eyes locked with hers. Then her face suddenly lit up as realization hit her, a soft giggle coming out of her lips. "Hi Shawnyy." She said giving me a kiss on the lips, the taste of alcohol danced against my own lips, making me chuckle at how that simple substance affected my girlfriend's behavior throughout the night.

"Hi baby," I whispered, pulling away a little to let our foreheads touch. "Let's get you home." I added giving her one last kiss before closing the car door and making my way to the driver's seat. I inserted my keys and started the car, looking at my girlfriend one more time as we head off home.

After a few minutes of silence, (Y/N) shifted in her seat and faced me, back leaned up against the door. I quickly checked if the doors are locked, we don't want it to suddenly open bringing my girlfriend with it.


"Yes baby?"

"Do you really love me?" I gave her a confused looked

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"Do you really love me?" I gave her a confused looked. "Of course I do. I wouldn't have stopped what I was doing to come pick you up if I didn't love you (Y/N)."

"Maybe you just needed an excuse to distract yourself Shawn. Or maybe you feel obligated to take care of me. Maybe history is going to repeat itself and you're going to pull a 'Three Empty Words' on me" She rambled. I shook my head and laughed.

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