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"Yo what's up guys, its Chance", he said to the camera while I took a water bottle out of the fridge waiting for my sign. "Today I'm not with Anthony, but I have a special guest."

A couple of seconds of silence went by.

"Babe, that's your sign", he lightly laughed.

"Oh sorry" I ran to the living room where he was filming the video for his channel and sat beside him. "Hey"

"Hey", he smiled at me and then looked at the camera. "Introduce yourself to the Chanthions, please"

"Hey everyone, I'm Melissa", I said not knowing what else to say so I waited for Chance to explain what we were going to do.

"As you can see from the title of the video, she's my girlfriend", he said putting his arms around me. "So we decided to make the girlfriend tag"

"The girlfriend and boyfriend tag since I don't have a youtube channel"

"Yeah, so we looked up for this tag and we have here on my phone 14 questions that we will both answer and see who's right and who's wrong", he said pecking my cheek. "The one who answers most of them right wins, and the loser has to jump on the pool fully clothed".

"Wait, what? No", I said looking at him with eyes wide open.

"If you answer everything right you don't have to worry about jumping into the pool, unless you lose", he said laughing.

"I'm going to win. Let's start the tag", I said pulling up my legs up.

"okay, first question: where did we meet?", he read the question.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah, on 3 we say the answer", he said.


"Team 10 house", we said at the same time.

"We met at the team 10 house, Jake brought her one night so she could meet all of us", he explained.

"Okay, next question", i said. "Where was our first date?"

"Mini golf", he said.

"Out to a diner", I said.

"No, I took you to the mini golf and we had pizza afterwards"

"No, that was the second date. The first one you took me to this diner that had the 'best milkshakes in California'" I explained to him.

"Oh shit, you're right", he said frowning. "Next question is, when did we meet the family? This one doesn't count points".

"You met my family at the end of may, and I met yours last week"

"Yeah", he smiled. "Next one is, do we have any traditions?"

"Taco tuesdays", we said at the same time.

"These questions are easy, the next one isn't worth any points either", he said looking at his phone. "What was the first thing you noticed about me?"

"Your eyes", i immediately said.

"My eyes?" He questioned.

"Yes, your eyes. They're this beautiful color, my favorite shade of green" i quietly said giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Now, what's the first thing you noticed about me?"

HER | Chance SuttonWhere stories live. Discover now