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Since we came back from Asia three days ago, everything's been chill for me. Not having any worries about  meetings, photoshoots or fittings. I was spending my days at the Team 10 house and my nights with Chance at my place, we were even closer than before and I wasn't complaining.

Today, I was going to be hanging out with Tessa and Tristan. 

Chance and Tony had a huge fight and they didn't want to be near each other, so Tony left the house and flew back to Ohio. He's been gone for two days and we don't even know if he's coming back.

"But I still don't get why the two are fighting", I told Tessa as I drove my jeep.

"I think I heard Jake saying that they've been like this for a couple of days already. I didn't even notice", she said a little sad.

I could tell this affected Tessa a lot, they've been hanging out together a lot lately and I almost sure they have a thing going on but she hasn't told me anything about it. And about Chance and Tony, I don't want them fighting. I mean, they grew up together and acting the way they were currently acting wasn't good for the Ohio trio. It made me sad seeing them like that.

"So, what are we doing today?", Tristan asked trying to lighten the mood.

We decided to walk around the grove for a while, bought some stuff and then on our way back to their house we stopped at popeyes for lunch, I bought Chance his favorite meal from there. After being stuck on traffic for probably an hour, we finally got to the team 10's house.

"We're home", Tessa exclaimed as soon as Tristan opened the door.

"Kitchen", Chance said.

Tessa and Tristan got into the office and I got to the kitchen where Chance was.

"I got you lunch", I told him as I propped myself up on the counter leaving the takeaway box beside me.

"Thanks, babe", he said giving me a small kiss and opened the box to start eating.

"So, I spoke to my agent and I don't have anything scheduled for next week" I asked him closing my eyes as we laid on the trampoline.

"That means we're going to Charlotte and South lake?" he asked as he played with my hair.

"If you want to go to Ohio this same week that's fine with me"

"Well yeah I want, there's a lot of places I want to take you to".

"To the milkshakes place you told me about?"

"You remember that?"

"Well yeah, on our first date you told me there was this place back in Ohio that had the best milkshakes ever and that you'd take me there one day", I said whilst yawning.

"It's a date then", he kissed my forehead.

"I gotta take you out on a date while we are in Charlotte", I said frowning.

"You don't have to, baby".

Him calling me pet names got me all mushy and warm inside, it made me really happy.

"But I want to, you're always the one to take me out, not the other way around".

"Okay, we'll do whatever you want. So, when are we leaving?" he asked sounding tired.

"I still have to call mom and dad, but I'm thinking maybe this thursday?", I started to feel sleepy too.

"Sure, we can spend the weekend with your family and then fly out on tuesday to south lake. What do you think about that?"

"Yeah, we have to buy the plane tickets then"


Time passed by and none of us made any effort in bringing a computer or even taking out our phones so we could buy the tickets, laziness had taken over us.

"You want to sleep for a while? We can buy them later", Chance said as he hugged me tighter and wrapped his legs with mine.


And we fell asleep on the trampoline. 

It was very comfortable. 


Word count: 645

I know it's short, but it's kind of a filler.

Guess who's sick af and failing calculus? 🙋🏻

Also, any song/artist suggestions?

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