Chapter Twenty-Six: Terminus Part 3

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I follow behind the walkers that I had been following. I grab the katana from the holder from around my back, I know I know  where did I get it from..its not important.

I walk slowly coming onto the tracks and see Michonne and Rick murdering walkers with Carl close behind. I stop myself from going out to them, imagine it..they most likely think I'm a walker now.. I showed them the bite and Rick was disappointed,  Michonne was unable to speak, if they see me now who knows what might happen.

I put the katana back into the holder and walk slowly keeping my distance.

They don't know I'm following them and I plan to keep it that way for a while.


The night sky yawned over the area. I sit in the tree line quietly, Carl had fallen asleep in the car, Rick and Michonne set by a poorly lit fire finishing off the rabit.

They start talking but I can't understand anything they are saying to each other.

I smile to myself , I now know for a fact they are alive..

I close my eyes for a quick second then hear an unknown voice. My eyes snap open and see Rick and Michonne at gun point.

A man is at the van Carl is in holding a knife. I get up slowly and unnoticed. I pull out the katana just watching how this plays out.

Lots of talking goes on while  I watch. Daryl appears and I have the urge to step forward, but I don't.

Moments later I see Daryl getting beat down by two guys, Carl is dragged out of the van's front seat. I bite my lip trying to stay put.

Rick then tries to explain his self to the guy holding the gun to his head. Carl still struggles which rips at my heart.

Daryl still getting beat on, while michonne stays put.

I step forward  cracking a dry leaf, I take another step almost on the road.

Rick randomly throws his head back causing the guy to fire and miss.

Everyone randomly takes action, michonne ends up with the gun and Daryl had fought back.

One of the other guys go to run but I catch him through the throat with the katana blade. I slide the katana from the throat only to see Rick tearing the crap out of that guys neck.

"Holy shit.." my jaw drops while the guy falls limp.

The guy pinning Carl down looks at Rick in shock as we all did. I walk quickly behind him once he lets Carl free. I stab the guy through his chest and twist the handle. I stopped Rick in his tracks while Daryl, Michonne, and Carl all look at me.

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