Chapter Five

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-Next Day

"You should rest." I hear Michonne speaking to Rick in the kitchen.

"I should go with you guys. "

"Just one more day Rick. "

I hear him sigh as I lean against the arch way.

"Carl and I will be back in thirty minutes to an hour no need to worry."

"What?" Carl says behind me.

"Nothing.. "

"You sure you are okay Kayla. "

"Yes.. don't worry about me." I smile walking away from him

I walk into the room I had slept in last night and sit on the bed crossing my legs and looking at the wall in front of me. 

I peer out the window and catch a glimpse of Carl and Michonne wallking down the street carrying several  bags. I get up from the bed walking across the the hall and see Rick resting on the bed. er

I keep myself quiet and make my way downstairs into the kitchen. I take a knife from the cabinet and walk back upstairs quickly. I close the door and pull off Carl's jacket while laying the knife on the bed. 

I look down at the infection and grab the knife sitting on the bed. The bite on my arm hasn't changed at all. It looked fresh.  I tense up as I place the blade onto the where I was bit. I slowly start to cut into the skin. I stop and place a rag from my bag into my mouth as I go back to cutting my at the skin. 

I start bleeding a deep red color, more and more blood flows and then there were voices downstairs. 

"Fuck.." I say taking the rag out my mouth and putting it over my cuts. I grab the tape from my bag and wrap it around the rag. 

About three men come upstairs and one goes into the room Rick is in and the other two come into mine. I hide in the closet holding the knife.

"Weapons?" They start searching threw my bag curious.  They start shoving my stuff into there pockets and into other bags. 

"Check the closet." The older man with grey hairs says. The younger one with brown hair slowly makes his way to the closet with his gun raised. My breath quickens as he opens the right side door. He peaks in as I duck under the coats that were hanging.


"Stay here i'm going to go check the other room." The old man says leaving. 

I come from under the coats and out the closet holding the knife.  I come behind the guy and jump on his back and stab him in the throat with the kitchen knife. 

He falls over coughing up blood and I stomp on his head until I crack his skull open.  I drag the body to the window and open it. I lift the body out the window and kick it from the two story window. 

I shut the window quietly and then I hear scuffing in Rick's room. 

"They took my weapons..shit.." I say picking up the knife. I walk slowly out of the room crouching, I look into Rick's room and see a guy laying on the floor, another guy on the bed, and Rick under the bed.

He raises his finger to his mouth telling me to stay quiet. I nod and slowly move downstairs. Once I'm downstairs about five men were in the kitchen going threw cabinets.  One comes behind me grabbing me and the knife. 

He drags me into the kitchen as the five men turn around.

"Look what we have here.." He says.

"What's you name little girl."

"I'm not little......" I mumble. 

He hits me in the stomach knocking the air out of me. I gasp for air as I lean over. I look up and take the the stray pair of scissors that were thrown onto the floor. I slowly get up coughing and holding my stomach.

"You're pretty tough," He says smirking.

"Fuck. You." I mumble before I stab him threw the eye with the scissors. The men pull their weapons as I use the guys body to protect me from the gun shots. I grab the kitchen knife from the counter and charge the men using the body. 

I stab one threw the head and then another in the chest. Two more left. I drop the dead body I was using for bullet cover as the two men hold me at gun point.

"Do it.." I say dropping the knife looking at them.  Rick comes behind one of the guys choking him out and the other points his gun at Rick.

Before he pulls the trigger I kick him in the inside of his leg making him fall to the ground dropping the gun. I pick it up and shoot him in the head twice. 

"Let's go," Rick says pulling my arm.

"What about Carl and Michonne?" 

"We will find them on the way." He says as we leave from the back door.  We come around the house and see Michonne and Carl walking towards the house. 

"C'mon." He says as we run from behind the house to them telling them not to go. 

"Your arm." Carl says when we get to them.

"Don't worry about it.." I say. His face is full of worry as we get to the train tracks.

We come upon a part of a train with a poster type thing on it. It says something about a place for survivors,

"Those who come survive." Is what I think it said.. I just followed them. My arm was still in pain  as I followed behind them. 

(A/N Would you like to be added into this story?! Well comment your charater name and Ill do my best to add you in! Only doing about six or seven maybe less! So, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE IN THIS STORY GO HEAD AND COMMENT YOUR CHARATER NAME.. YEAH..DO THAT.. Chapter six will be up soon! mwah! )

BOOK THREE * We Remain ➳ Carl Grimes [ The Walking Dead ] *editing*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum