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"I want him on life support" I spoke up
"Ma'am, we can't do that. His organs are already starting to shut down."
"Exactly, key words, already starting. That doesn't mean they are yet. I know I've been a bitch to you long enough but you don't even understand the pain i'm feeling right now. I am the reason why he's in the hospital.
I didn't do to him physically but by association. The least I can do is fight for him how he fought for me, so please.... don't argue with me right now and set him up on those machines. I'll sign any consent forms and blah blah but I wanna know that if this really is it, that I tried everything I could."

He nodded and turned around
"I'm about to go get my things and my son, I'll be back." I said before he fully exited out the door.
I walked out back into the waiting room and grabbed my luggage and my son.
"If you want me to explain everything to you, you can come in the room with me. If not, you can sit here and be angry at only one side of a story." I said turning around
"I want to.. but I have to wait to see how Quint is doing." she said
"I'll have them tell his doctor to come to our room." I said
She nodded and proceeded to get up with the twins.
We walked back to the room to see all the nurses setting him up on all types of machines.
Moments later, the doctor came and gave me all the forms to sign.
I skimmed over them for a brief moment and eventually signed them.
When all the nurses where done, Quavo still remained laying there but he started to regain color in his face and lips. His chest was moving up and down indicating he was breathing.
"Dada!" Aiden said trying to reach for him
"I know you wanna see Dada baby, but he's resting." I said kissing him on the cheek
"Is Ms. Wilkins in here?" a nurse spoke out
"Right here" she said standing up
"You're fiancé is doing perfectly fine. He's still resting right now but we were able to fix everything and safely remove the bullet. He is currently stable."
Ashely sighed in relief
"Thank you so much" she said through a croaked voice
"What room is he in for when I want to go see him?" she asked
"Room 348, down the hall here" she replied
"Thank you" Ashely said nodding
I raised and eyebrow
"You don't want to see him now?" I asked
"No, I'll let him rest for right now. I want to hear what you have to say first anyways." She replied sitting back down
"Ok, you sure you're ready?" I asked
She nodded
"Alright, so back to as long as I could remember, my father sold drugs. He sold it all, if you name it, he had it. He was solo and had his own business up until he was about 20. That's when he went into partnership with Terrance's father, Eddie. My father and his father did business very well and became great friends. Terrance and I are a year apart, him being older than me. After I was born, things still remained the same until one day. When I was 13 years old, I was sitting on the couch watching TV. My mother was at work and my father came from out his bedroom and asked me if I wanted to take a walk with him. Me not thinking anything of it, I went of course and we ended up at some some random house about 5 blocks down form ours. We walked into the house and there were about 6 guys sitting on a couch and instantly I knew what it was going to be.
They all looked at me like a steak. My dad pushed me in this room and I thought he just didn't want me to see what they were doing as far as business but I was wrong. Two came in at a time and just took their turns having their way with me. I screamed, cried, squirmed, tried to fight back but nothing worked. My father just watched as I got tossed left from right. After that day, I fell into a deep depression. I thought I was worthless, I shut down easily, and much more. When I turned 15, I decided I really hit rock bottom. I thought since I already got taken advantage of, why not make money doing it? After that, two months later, I started selling myself after school. Believe it or not, it was a stress reliever for me. I would have about 9-10 clients a day alone so cash came in by the truck load. When I was 16, I opened my own bank account and started putting money in there. From then on, I've been stacking my money in that account. Money that I made myself with literally what I have! Terrance wants that account because there is more money in there than in the account my father made for me and he's not getting it, I'm sorry. I worked so hard putting that money up for situations just like this. So, I did not set any of you up. I would never. Y'all have treated me like a better family more than my real family members have ever."
I looked at Ashely and she had a look of sympathy on her face
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" she asked
"I wanted to run away from my past" I said as I began to choke up
"I didn't want to be reminded of what I went through. All the flashy shit that I have was basically stuff to keep my on hush mode. The cars, clothes and jewelry that my parents brought me were all these hush items." I said as I laid a sleeping Aiden in his car seat
Ashely got up and pulled her chair next to me
embracing me.
Instantly I let it all go. Years and years of trying to hold everything in. The anger, hurt, and many more emotions running through me, I released all those feelings on to Ashely's shirt.
Moments later I wiped all my tears and pulled myself together.
Ashely looked at me with worry in her eyes
"Chyanne.. It's ok to cry"
I looked down at Aiden and shook my head
"I can't... He's my responsibility now and I made an oath to myself that I would take care of him no matter what and now that it's just me... I have no time to cry." I said

2 Hours Later

I was shaken awake out of my sleep by Ashely
"I know you don't want to but we need to go crash at a hotel for the night and get cleaned up" she said looking down at herself
I shook my head denying her
"I'm not leaving, you can go and I'll watch the twins if you want me to" I offered
"Nah Quint has the twins, the doctor said he's stable enough. I still want you to come with me" she said again
"Chyanne..." she mocked
"Look, this isn't good for you or Aiden. Just one night please?"
I sighed and looked at a still lifeless Quavo
"Fine, just take Aiden for me and let me have a moment with him"
Ashely nodded, grabbing Aiden and walking out of the room
I turned back to Quavo and grabbed his cold hand and kissed it.
I closed my eyes as a tear fell down
"Alright baby, I'm getting ready to leave you for a couple hours. I don't want to but it's for the best. I know that I've put you through a lot of shit and I know a simply apology can't fix it but what I will do is fight for you. I'm promise to do everything in my power and beyond that to bring you back to me. But, If you want to go baby, just know that I won't be mad at you. I know you're in there fighting your way out and you're doing all you can. Just know that I will always hold us down, ok?" I finished as a tear slid down my cheek
I stood up from the seat and kissed his cheek
"I love you so much, Quavious"
More tears began to slide down my cheek as I turned and made my way towards the door.

"I love you so much more, Chyanne"


• y'all know i couldn't kill quavo lmfao tf

• but sad news is that this book is now complete ! yaaaay !

• thank you guys for all the love and support, i have a surprise for you all !! ❤️

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