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"Welcome to your first week of Psychology 101 and for all the new comers, your first day at Georgia State University" said Professor Stanley

"Today I'm going to just go over my rules and expectations for class. For starters....." I was looking directly at him but it's like the sound just went mute.
My name is Chyanne Dolversin and I just recently moved to Georgia from New York to pursue my career as a Phycologist. My life is pretty normal, I grew up with 2 parents under the same roof who till this day still love each other unconditionally. I am sadly an only child, so I guess you can say I am a little spoiled.
"Ms.Dolversin?" I snapped back into reality
"Hm?" i hummed raising my eyebrows
"You care to introduce yourself to the class?"
"Uh sure." i stood up and adjusted my tank top strap that slouched a bit. I cleared my throat
"My name is Chyanne Dolversin, im 19, and I moved here from New York to pursue my career as a Phycologist" i smiled and sat back down
"Well welcome Chyanne, hope you have a wonderful experience here at GSU"
"Thank you sir"
He moved on to other students and just continued to talk about his class expectations. I was zoned out for the most part


The bell finally rang for that class to end and everybody scattered out in different directions. Lucky for me, this is my only class until Wednesday so I can just go to my dorm and relax. As I was walking to the door, I heard someone calling my name, I stopped and turned around when I heard footsteps getting closer. When I turned around, there stood in front of me was a tall, brown skin man with tattoos all around his body. He flashed me a smile that showed his perfect teeth.
"You uh... left your notebook on the desk." he said handing it to, it was my pink notebook that had my name written nice and clear on it.
"Thanks, how did you know it was me though?" I asked smirking
"Well for one, you introduced yourself to the class and two, you sit in front of me so..." he scratched the back of his neck nervously and I smirked at him.
"Well thanks again for the book....."
i paused waiting for him to give me his name
"Oh uh... Quavious" he said slightly smiling
"Quavious... I like that" I said turning around walking out the door.
He seemed like a sweet guy and he was very attractive but from the looks of all the tattoos, he seemed like he was trouble but chances are, this is will be the only conversation I have with him.


After stopping at this smoothie place and picking up some Chinese, I made my way to my dorm room just to relax. Since I most likely won't have anything to do for the first 2 weeks, I'm going to enjoy this opportunity while I have it.
While struggling to find my keys, I dropped my pink notebook from class. I found my keys, opened the door and went to pick up the the book but i seen handwriting that wasn't mind in the book
"text me : 404-032-0124
- quavo"
I mentally rolled my eyes and smiled.
I took a shower, warmed up my leftover Chinese food and plopped back down on my bed to just relax and watch some Netflix. I checked the time on my phone : 6:22
Maybe I should text him now, I thought. I picked up my phone and unlocked it going to my messages. I typed in his number and said hey and who it is. before I could even back out my messages, he read it and replied. For half of the night, we texted and talked about the basics like "where you from" "how old are you" and things in that nature. I found out the he's from here, he's 21, and he's a junior but he changed his major to Phycology.
Around 9 o'clock, we agreed to talk on the phone for a little while and the whole time, I had butterflies in his stomach for some odd reason.
"You heard me?" he asked
"Hm? What? No, I'm sorry I was really engaged in this show" I lied
"I said are you an only child or are your parents just filthy rich?" he asked chuckled "What makes you ask that ?"
"Well, I peeped that new special edition Louis V. bag on your arm" he said laughing
"Well you must be one or the other as well if you know about it" I said
"Well yeah, but I asked you first so you tell me first"
"Well if you must know, I am an only child but my mother is a lawyer and me father is a doctor so money stays on the table." I said "But what about you?"
"Well.. my mother is a plastic surgeon and my father owns a company that deals with cars and stuff. So yeah, I guess you can say I'm spoiled as well.
"Hmm, I guess so" I said yawning
"Awww you getting tired? You can't hang with the big dogs?" he asked chuckling
"No I can hang, I just took a nap not to long ago so I definitely can hang" I said
"Yeah right, but I have a class in the morning so I have to call it a night soon buttttt...." he said sounding like he was up to something
"But what?"
"I just think you should go on a date with me"
"A date!?" I asked
"Yea why you say it like that?"
"Well I mean, I just met you today" I said truthfully
"How bout' we make a bet" he said
"I'm listening"
"We talk for how ever long you want, and after that you let me take you on a date" I thought about it for a second
"Alright deal, prove to me for a couple weeks that you deserve a date"
I said putting him up to his own challenge
"You got a deal. But I'm about to call it a night, see you on Wednesday" he said
"Alright goodnight"
The line went dead and I laid down staring at the ceiling. Butterflies ran all through my stomach throughout the night up until I finally fell asleep.

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