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Chyanne's POV

"So you want to do this together for real?" Ash asked
"Um hell yeah. It's only right, plus since you said you haven't really been feeling yourself, we can do it together." i said smiling
Ashely and I are at party city looking for decorations and ideas for the baby shower. I told her that she is doing the baby shower with me no if and or buts. Not too long ago, she told me she hasn't been feeling very confident in her body since she's gotten pregnant and I totally feel for her. Since she feels that way, I told her we can have a baby shower together and i'll be right by her side.
"Man, im so glad to have a friend like you. You truly are the best." she said
I waved her off "Girl please, I know you'd do the same. Now i was thinking, since my dumb ass boyfriend doesn't know what his kid is, I was thinking we can do like an all white type of party so we won't give it away. That's if you want to do it that way." i said giving a suggestion
"We're going to have to do it that way because it's somethinnnng else I didn't tell him."
My eyes grew wide and grabbed her shoulders so she could look at me
"What is it?" i asked
"Well, there's kind of another kid in there and she's a girl" she said
It took everything in me not to squeal like a little kid
"Oh my goooooosh! Why didn't you tell me?" I asked
"I don't know! I kind of forgot" she said laughing "But how are we going to tell them at the party?"
"Well I was thinking we have these huge confetti poppers and stuff them with blue and in your case pink and blue confetti and before we open gifts, we give it to the guys and let them pop em in the air" i said squealing and clapping my hands
"Oh my gossh that's a great idea!" she said
"I know but let's go back and start picking up white decorations"


I got home and seen Quavo's car parked outside indicating that he was home and probably watching reruns of Martin.
I walked through the house and instantly felt exhausted
I kicked my flats off and hung my key on one of the rings
"Baaaby" i called out
"I'm in the room"
I made my way to our bedroom and he was laying in bed doing just as i predicted
"Hey beautiful" he said with his eyes still glued on the TV
"Hey" i said tiredly
I hopped on the bed and put my hair in a pony tail before laying down on the pillow, letting out a long sigh
He turned towards me and grabbed my face giving me a long kiss that I've been needing all day
"Mmm i missed you" i said wrapping my arms around his neck
"I missed you more but you know, you rather be out with Ashely comparing bellies and shit"
"Shut up" i said laughing
"What did you do today?" i asked watching him rub my huge stomach
"Went to the trap for a little while, then hung out with Quint, then i came here and unpacked some more." he said turning to get his phone off the night stand
"Shit" i hissed in pain
He turned back around and looked at me raising an eyebrow
"You good?" he asked
"No, when you moved your hand the baby kicked really hard" i said
He laughed and shook his head.
He placed his hand back on my stomach for a couple of seconds and then and moved it away. Just like last time, the baby kicked the shit out of me.
"QUAVIOUS!" i said growing angry
"Alright, alright. I'm done playing" he said laughing
He reached over and turned off the lamp light along with the TV.
He grabbed my face and kissed me one last time
"I love you" i said closing my eyes
"I love you more" he said


My phone started ringingp on the dresser on Quavo's side
"Babe answer that please" i said
He sat up and grabbed my phone without looking at the caller id
"Hello" he said kind of annoyed
"Yes this is Quavo...... I can pick up my girl phone because I can, now can I help you?....... Gabby, she's sleeping........ Nigga what do you want? It is 7:30 in the morning, this shit better be important......... Ok i'll tell her........ Yeah whatever shut the hell up" He hung up the phone and threw my phone back on the dresser
"Gabby want you and all the girls to meet her at some restaurant, she'll text the address or whatever" he said pulled the covers back over his head
I pulled them back down and looked at him confused
"Thought you didn't want me to hang around them anymore?" i said raising a brow
"I don't but you can't be suspicious about it, I feel like they know we're coming on to something so you have to play it cool and act like you don't know shit."
"I really didn't want to go anywhere though, im so tired babe. My ankles are still killing me from yesterday." i said wining
He pulled the covers back over her head turned the other way
"I will give you a massage before you leave, just give me like 10 more minutes of sleep, babe" he said
"Alright, alright. i'm going to go make some breakfast" i said kissing his forehead
"Mmkay" he said already halfway asleep
I got out of bed and waddled my way to the kitchen
I pulled out some eggs, pancake mix, bacon, and sausages out and turned the stove one.
Just as i was about to crack an egg, the doorbell rang.
I scrunched my face up wondering who would be here this early in the morning.
I made my way over to the door and stood on my toes to look through the peep hole and it was Ashely and Quintin.
"Just a second!" i said
I sped walked over to the security system and disabled it
I unlocked all of the locks and opened the door
"Hey guys, wussup?" i said quickly walking over to the stove turning it off
"I got information about Gabby and all them, where yo nigga at?" Quintin asked
"He's sleeping, i'll go get him" i said making my way to the back of the room
He was still indeed under the covers knocked the hell out
I walked over to his side of the bed and shook him
"What Chyanne" he said sounding irritated
"You have to get up, your brother is here and it's important."
"How important?"
"He found out some shit about Tony and all them"
He sighed and sat up
"I'll be out in a minute" he said pulling the sheets off of him
Quavo is not a morning person at all. In fact, he can really sleep all day if he could.
I walked in the living room seeing Ashely and Quintin now sitting on one of the couches.
"He'll be out soon" i said
I made my way over to the kitchen and Ashley got up following behind me
"What you about to make?" she asked
"Some breakfast, you want some?" i asked
"Nah, not even hungry. I just feel so uneasy about this whole situation with the girls"
"Well what happened?"
"Quint found out they all formed some type of group, i forgot what it was called its some stupid shit. But Tony and his crew are trying to get to Quintin and Quavo through the girls.
I scrunched my face up
"Why would they agree to something
like that? This is their family."
"Yeah but when you're getting paid almost a million dollars, you're going to put it into consideration."
I shook my head in disappointment
I could never in my life throw my family under the bus like that. You can pay me all the money in the world, I would never go through with it.
"That's a damn shame but speaking of that, Gabby called and wants to meet up with me somewhere." i said
"Same here! but i really don't want to go. But just to not seem suspicious, Quintin told me to go."
"Yeah same here, we should just go together."
"Let's do it" she said


•sorry for the wait guys, so much has been happening lately. I know it's a short and boring chapter but i'll make it up to you guys. just wanted to post something to not keep y'all waiting💙

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