Four Pt. Two

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Quavo's POV

It's been 2 hours since Chyanne left my house to go get her things from her dorm. I called her several times and got no answer. Something was sitting right with me, she always picks up the phone. I grabbed the keys to my other car and sped downtown where her dorm is located. I spotted my car still parked along the side, so she had to be there still. I rushed to her room and realized her room door was cracked open. I pushed open her door and seen her on her bed unconscious. I rushed over to her and tried to wake her up.
"Chyanne, wake up!" I said shaking her
She started to move and I sighed in
I looked over to the side and seen a note : "Tell your pops to pay up or more damage will be done to you and your bitch" I stuffed the note in my pocket and tended to Chy
"Chy, what happened?" I said
"I-I was just getting my stuff and then I felt somebody hit me from behind my head and I just blacked out" she said sitting up holding her head
"Just relax, for a second. I'm packing your shit and your coming to live with me. Whatever I don't pack, I'll just buy" I said looking for her bags and suit cases
After 20 minutes of packing all her things and putting them in the car, I picked her up and put her in the car as well.
"Chy, you have to try to help me out as to who did this to you" I said speeding down the freeway
"I don't know Quavo, or else I would have told you!" she said
"We need to go somewhere first" I said
"Where are we going?" she said
I ignored her and continued down the freeway to my parents house
We arrived 10 minutes later and made our way inside the house
"Ma? Pops?" i called out
"I'm in the living room" my father said
"Dad we have a problem" I said walking into the living room
"What is it, son?" he said looking concerned
"Someone attacked Chyanne in her dorm room, she was unconscious until I got there" I said
"That's unfortunate son, but what exactly does that have to do with me?
I threw him the note from her room and he looked up at me, shocked yet confused at the same time.
"Chyanne... is it?" he asked
"Yes" she said still rubbing her temples
"First off, I am terribly sorry that this happened to you and I see you're still hurting a bit. Son, go get her some Advil" I nodded and made my way upstairs

Chyanne's POV

My head throbbed unconditionally as Quavo's father tried speaking to me about the situation.
"Second" he started "Have you seen this persons face at all? Not a glimpse?" he asked

"No sir, he snuck me from behind and after that it's like someone turned out the lights in my head" i said

"Hmm now.. when you entered your dorm, did anything feel... off? Anything misplaced? Rearranged?

I slightly shook my head yes "It felt like someone was in the room with me. Like an extra presence but I shrugged it off. Now that's you mention it, I felt the same presence coming from a public place." I said thinking back to when I was at Waffle House. "I was at Waffle House and it just felt like someone was burning a hole in my face" i said

He nodded his head "I have an ideas as to who it is, but i need to be 100% sure before I send someone out to "handle" it" he said putting air quotations around the word

"I really wish I could help more but I can't" i said frowning
"It's ok darling, i'll get it taken care of" he said walking off upstairs making a call.

Quavo came back downstairs with Advil and he gave me a bottle of water. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder
"Is your father a drug dealer?" I asked bluntly
He looked over at me for a second, probably debating whether he should tell me or not and finally gave in.
"I guess you can say that" he said "He asked me if i wanted to be apart of it" I nearly chocked on my water
"He what ?" I asked surprised " What did you say ??"
"Calm down babe, I told him I would sleep on it. I actually have to give him an official answer by Wednesday" he said
"Quavious... are you really considering this shit?" I asked "I just got knocked the fuck out by God knows who, with God knows what and your trying to go deeper into this shit?" I asked getting upset
"Chyanne, look at me. I got all these fuckin tattoos on my neck and face and shit. I can't get no job like a regular person, I don't even know why I'm in fucking college right now. Not to mention, i'm twenty one years old, I can't keep on living up under my parents. Yes, I would be technically working under my father but if I actually do this, I'll be making my OWN money." he said
"You know what, you're right babe" I said "I'm sorry I came at you like that, it's just... im scared. But look whatever you decide, I will be here for you no matter what." I said grabbing his hand.
He pulled me close and lightly kissed my forehead "That's all i need from you babygirl. You know I will never let anything happen to you.... well again" He said slightly laughing
I laugh and shook my head.


"Babeeeeee" he said wining after I took some of his food off of his plate.
"I'm sorry, your food looks really good I couldn't resist" I said
He grabbed his plate and moved towards the front of the bed
"Baby come on! I promise I'll stop!" i
I said sincerely
"No leave me alone" he said with his mouth full
"You're na-" Before I can get my words out, my phone rung.
Quavo slid back next to me and snatched my phone out of my hand.
"Hmm, unknown number" he said
He answered it pressed the speaker button.
"Hello, Marshall residence. This is her husband speaking. Please explain to me why you calling my girl at 11:35 pm" he said raising an eyebrow

"I'm calling your bitch because I would like to see how her little head is doing" a male voice said booming out of my phone
"Who the fuck is you my nigga??" Quay said furrowing his eyebrows
"Oh, you'll get to know who I am my nigga. Just follow what that note said and we won't have a problem and your little asian bitch will live." After that the line went dead.
I shook my head and got off the bed bringing my plate to the kitchen,
trying to hold back my tears.
"Chy..." Quay said following behind me
I ignored him and continued to clean the food off the counter. He spun me around so that I was looking directly in his eyes.
"Chyanne, nothing is g-"
"And how do you know this, Quavious?? For God sakes, the man could be outside watching us now!" I said
"You can't predict the future, you don't know when them niggas are going to make a move." i said on the verge of tears
He pulled me close and hugged me tight. " I promise you.... nobody will lay a finger on you" he said looking me in my eyes
"But Quay, I don't want you out here risking your li-"
"When i put this promise ring on your finger, what did i tell you?" He asked
"That's you would care, love, provide and protect me as my boyfriend" I said
"Alright then, im going to start breaking my promise now. You hear me? " he asked
"Yes baby, I hear you. Can i ask you a question?"
"Wussup?" he said getting a water out the fridge
"What made you get this?" I asked running my thumb over the crown tattoo just above his bushy eyebrows
"Because, I'm the boss of my own shit. I make my own moves, and do what I need to do be ahead of everyone. So therefore, I see myself as a king" he said shrugging
"Why do you have promise tattooed on your pinky?" he asked examining it
"Well 3 years ago my best friend since literally diapers, disappeared one day and they never found her, so they just pronounced that she was dead. She was going through some things at home, so I guess she just packed up and left. But yeah, our birthdays are 2 days apart. So, her and I promised each other that on our 18th birthdays that we would get promise tattooed together, but since shes gone I just got it myself." I said forcing a slight smile
"Damn ma, Im sorry" he said
"Don't be, it's better of me thinking that she's probably out there still alive, you know?
He nodded and smiled. He scooped me off the kitchen counter throwing me over his shoulder
"Let's go have a repeat of last night" he said walking towards the bedroom


• things are going to start getting juicy 👀

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