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Chyanne's POV

I sat in my favorite smoothie shop waiting for my so called sister to arrive
I sat there and played candy crush when I heard the store bell chime
I looked up and seen Chase.
I knew it was her because she sent me a picture and she told me what she was going to be wearing
I waved my hand in the air until she spotted me
She made her way over to me and when she did, she slid in the booth smiling at me.
For some odd reason, she looked like my mother slightly but I shook the thought out of my head
"It's nice to finally meet you" she said still smiling
"It's nice to meet you too" I said returning the smile
We sat there in awkward silence for a second
"So!" I started "Tell me a little about yourself if you don't mind"
She put her phone down and looked up at me slightly smiling
"Well I'm 25, I just moved to Georgia, and now I'm a nurse in training." She said smiling
"What about you? I see you got one on the way." she said smiling
"Yeah I sure do, I can honestly pop any minute. But as for me, I was looking towards becoming a Phycologist until my boyfriend got me pregnant." I said slightly smiling
"Do you plan on going back to school?" she asked
"Of course but it won't be for a while" I said thinking about it
Every since I stopped going to class, I never looked back nor made a goal for me to go back. Now that I have a child on the way, it's going to be 10 times harder. Of course I have Quavo to help me out, but who's to say one day he would want to continue to pursue his career as well.
"I understand but now let's talk."
"Okay, wussup?" I asked
"Rebecca and Chris.... have they
ever mentioned having another child or did they sweep that under the rug?" she said rolling her eyes
"They never told me about you not one time" I said honestly
My mother and father have never been the type to sneak around and do things on the low, if anything they would consult me about things before they do each other so for me to be sitting here in front of someone who claims to be my sister, says a lot about themselves.
She shook her head and looked out the window as tears began to flow down her face.
I grabbed her hand and held it
"Just because our parents gave up on us, doesn't mean I'm going to give up on you" I said
She wiped her tears and looked at me, smiling
"Thank you"
I nodded my head and took another sip of my smoothie was it grew quiet between us.
"Wait... you said us?"
"Yup, they disowned me after they found out about this little guy" I said rubbing my stomach
She shook her head and laughed
"At this point, I just say fuck them" she said shrugging "We both grown as fuck, I'm doing something with myself and you're starting a family... maybe this is a sign from God." she finished
I sat there and thought about it.
"You just might be right, but why did they put you up for adoption?"
"Because they "weren't ready". Thats what the lady who adopted me told me" she said rolling her eyes
"Maybe they really weren't-"
"Chy, I don't want to hear that. You know how many people who have children out there with barley a pot to piss in and they still try to manage to give they're children the world?" she said, with anger and hurt in her eyes
She closed her eyes sighing and regrouping herself
"Would you do anything for that little one in there? she asked pointing to my stomach
"Of course" I said
"Even if shit hit the fan and you were down to your last everything ?"
"Without a doubt" I said
"Well that's all I ever asked someone to do for me" she said
I looked down at my stomach and realized how much sacrificing I'm going to have to do for this little boy.
"I understand what you're saying and I'm deeply sorry that you couldn't receive the proper love that you wanted but I feel like you should turn that hurt into hunger. I know for a fact that you're going to be a great mother and just great in everything you do." I said genuinely
She looked at me and smiled
"You're right, thanks Chy" she said
"No prob-"
My phone started to ring on the table and
"Husband💍🐻" flashed across the screen
"Must be nice" Chase said making a pout face
"Girl please, this man is annoying as hell" I said laughing and fanning her off
I pressed the answer button and put the phone to my ear
"Yes hunny?" I asked
"Where are you?"
"The smoothie place, are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just lonely and I miss y'all" he said referring to me and the baby
"We miss you too, I'll be home soon ok?"
"Alright, I love you"
"I love you more" I said
I ended the call and put my phone back on the table
"Aww, that was so cute" she said
"Thank you, are you talking to somebody?" I asked
"Nah, still looking and searching girl"
"Well I can definitely help you with that if you need some but I need to get home to this man before he has a heat attack" I said carefully sliding out the booth
"I would love that but yeah i need to get home to my bed" she said causing me to laugh
"It was nice to finally meet you sis" I said pulling her into a hug
She wrapped her arms around me giving me a satisfying hug but leaving some space between my belly.
She bend down and kissed my belly
"Auntie can't wait to meet you, stinker" she said
I smiled widely and pulled my keys out my pocket
"Alright girl, I have to get home to my man. I'll call you later, ok?" I asked
"Yeah, talk to you later" she replied smiling
She went towards the front exit and I went towards the back one, making my way to my car. After getting buckled in as situated, I texted Quavo letting him know that I'm on the way.

do you love me?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ