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Chyanne's POV

I turned around and looked at Quavo after I ended the call with my mom

"Ughh" i groaned

"What's wrong? Don't you want to see your parents?" he asked typing on his phone

"Of course I want to see my parents, but I haven't talked to them in so long so I have to catch them up on everything that's been going on. Plus, while they're here i plan on telling them that i'm pregnant." i said

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could set up a dinner with the both of our parents together and break the news." he said

I thought about it
"Yeah i guess that could work but if it don't work, im blaming you"
I said
"Yeah whatever" he said


It was about 9 am and my phone kept ringing off the hook.
I picked it up off the dresser and answered it

"Hello" i said sleepily

"We're here baby! " she said

"Oh that's great. Just give me like one more hour of sleep and we can meet up somewhere" i said yawning

She said ok and after that I hung up.

Now that I was pregnant, a lot of hormones and side affects where starting to kick in and sleeping was a big one. I went from sleeping till about 8 am and now i can sleep till almost 1 pm.

I felt to see if Quavo was still next to me and he was.

I turned my head in his direction to see him watching tv and eating MY cereal.

I shot my head up and looked at him like he was crazy.

He looked at me and smiled

"Morning baby" he said as if nothing was wrong.

"Quavious... are you eating my damn cereal?" I asked

"I didn't even know these were yours" he said

"Yes the fu-" I stopped myself

"You know what, im not about to argue with you" i said getting out of the bed going to the bathroom

"I love you" he said

"Shut the fuck up" i said closing the bathroom door

After I did my daily hygiene routine, I went to the closet to pick out some clothes to wear.
I was gong for something comfortable considering the fact that I was feeling kind of tired and moody.

I left my hair in its natural curly state and just threw it in a pony tail.
I threw on some matching Jordan's and grabbed my phone.

"I'm taking the BMW" I said on the way out the door

"That's fine but you forgot something " he said

I walked over to him and gave him multiple kisses "I love you" i said

"I love you more, be safe." he said

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