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Chyanne's POV

We walked into a huge condo and I looked around in awe
"Who's condo is this?" I said
"Mine now. My dad just paid it off for me yesterday." he said tossing his keys on the kitchen counter.
"It's beautiful" I said still looking around, admiring the decorations.
"Thanks. Come with me to the back I have something to show you." he said pulling my hand towards the back. He opened the room door and my mouth dropped open .
There were bags of gifts on the floor surrounding the huge bed. The rest of the room was lit up with candles, setting a relaxing mood.
"You like it? he asked, closing the door
"I love it" I said turning around facing him "but you don't have to keep on showering me with gifts, Quay. All I need is for you to love me. That's the only gift that I need and will forever be satisfied with." I said truthfully
He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back and shit only got real from there.
He picked me up and lead me to the bed still not breaking the kiss.
I didn't expect tonight to be the night that I would give it to Quay but he's been treating me like a queen all night, so he deserves it.
He was about to zip my dress down when he broke the kiss and looked at me.
"You sure you want to do this?" he said
"Yeah, I'm sure. Are you?" I asked
"Of course I am" he said smirking


I woke up laying on top of a still fast asleep Quavo. I decided to leave him asleep and go make him some breakfast. I stood up and put on his white shirt and slowly walked out the door, due to the pain I was in from last night. I finally made it to the kitchen and opened up the fridge.
Not a thing but a water bottle was in the fridge. I shook my head.
I spotted the keys to his BMW 6 and debated whether I should take his car and go to Waffle House but my stomach rumbling made my decision for me. From all the work he put in last night, who knows when he'll wake up and I refuse to wait.
I quietly tip toed back into the room to grab my phone and a hoodie from out one of his draws. I made my way outside to his car and got in.
I arrived at Waffle House about 5 minutes later. I ordered the food which took about 15 minutes since it was packed.
"Here you go ma'am, enjoy your day"
"Thank you" I said grabbing the bag
The whole time I was in there I felt as if someone was watching me but I shrugged it off
When I got in the car, my phone rang. It was Quay probably getting ready to curse me out
I pressed the answer button putting the phone to my ear
"Hey baby" I said innocently
"Don't "hey baby" me, where the hell you at?" he said with sleep still in his voice
"I went to go get us some food because you had nothing in the house for me to cook" i said
"What you get?"
"Waffle House"
"Alright, hurry home and don't leave again without telling me." he said
"Yeah yeah, whatever" I said hanging up
I got out of the car and made my way up to the room.
I walked in seeing someone talking to Quay
"Oh hello" I said giving Quay the " I didn't know we were having company" look
"Chy, this is my brother Quintin" Quay said
"Nice to meet you" I said, smiling politely
"Likewise lil mama " he said giving me a head nod
"Well if you guys are tal-" I was cut off by him
"Nah, I was just leaving... just wanted to check on my big bro for a minute" he said exiting out of the door
"Well... I got the food" I said changing the subject
"Good, because I'm starving" he said
"What we got planned for today?" I said
"Well we do have a paper in Phycology due this Wednesday so we can get started on that." He said
"Awww look at you worried about school" I said pinching his cheeks
He swatted my hand away and laughed.
"Do you need to get anything from your dorm?" He asked
"Yeah I have to get my Mac & my bookbag" I said getting off the counter
"Well take the car and go get it and pick up some snacks too on the way back" he said giving me his black card
"Alrighty, I call you when I get to the store" I said walking over to him giving him a kiss
"Iight, be safe babe"
"I will" I said walking out the door
About 20 minutes later, I arrived at my dorm. I opened the door and instantly felt a weird presence, the same presence I felt at Waffle House but I shrugged it off.
I turned around towards my bed to look for my items and just like that everything went black....


*not updating until more reads & comments*

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