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I am behind Pride Rock with some of the lionesses; laying on a large sandy brown rounded rock. Next to me laying on my left side is my best friend Bahiya.

Finally, her and I can catch up with our normal gossip conversations. She's been busy a lot lately with Queen Kiara taking her Queen lessons. Bahiya claims that she is done with all lessons and can be free for now. Queen Kiara believe that she is ready for the throne when the time officially comes. I am so proud of her!

"So enough talking about me. How are things going on with you Auni?" Bahiya asks me.

"Things are going alright." I nod. "Just been kind of lonesome and bored around here lately. My brother is always gone with his girlfriend, Maha is with Rudo most of the day, and you are sometimes with Queen Kiara or fiancé Makosa."

"Oh I'm so sorry Auni! Well since I'm free today, we can hangout."

"No, I understand Bahiya. You're future Queen! You have to handle your business. You're royalty now. Things are going to start becoming more distant between us."

Bahiya squint her eyes at me. "What do you mean Auni by things are going to start becoming more distant between us?"

I swish my tail side to side looking down at my paws sadly. "Well, since you're the future Queen Bahiya, that means you'll spend most of your time being around the royal family more. You won't be sticking around us normal lions anymore. You'll be too busy ruling the kingdom. I mean look at Makosa! I can't even remember the last time I've spoken to him. Only hi and goodbye that's it."

"Non-sense Auni! You're my best friend. I will always make time for you and our other friends. I won't ever forget about you. Our moms been best friends since cub-hood and we shall continue our friendship just like they did. I love you like a sister! Our bond is strong."

Bahiya placed her right paw on top of my own. We both head bud each other and nuzzle in a sisterly way.

I smile then embrace a hug. "Okay. I'll stop tripping then!"

Bahiya laughs. "Thank you, you silly girl!"

"Vitani is back!" One of the lioness' announced.


That name rings a bell.

"Did she just say Vitani?" I ask confused.

Bahiya looks around. She stands up and follow right behind the pride lionesses to the front of Pride Rock. "Yeah, I think so. Vitani is Makosa's aunt and King Kovu's sister. Maybe she's finally back home. It's been years! Let's go check it out and see where everyone is going!"

I nod and got up following behind her tail. If it's true that Vitani is back, that's great! She was one of the hunting party's best huntress next to Sarabi and Nala. We could use her strong strength if she's willing to join the team again!

When we made it to the front of Pride Rock, sure enough that lioness is right. Vitani is really back home. She's speaking to Queen Kiara. Makosa is also there too. He's busy talking to two other lions and a cub who we've never seen here before.

One of the lions I do recognize is Kopa, Vitani's mate. He's grown so much larger with a bigger mane since the last time he was here. When Kopa was last seen, he was just a rouge with a slim body and a shorter mane. Now he's much handsome looking.

Bahiya and I both step up to welcome Vitani back home.

"Welcome back Vitani!" I smile.

Vitani stopped her conversation with Queen Kiara and turn around hugging Bahiya and I both with a large smile. "Hey you two! My you both have blossomed so beautifully. I'm starting to feel old for real now."

I chuckle.

"I heard that you young lady is engaged to the Prince? Congrats becoming the next Queen!"

Bahiya cheeks blush red. "Ah, thanks Vitani. I see Kiara has already beaten me to telling you the news."

Queen Kiara giggles. "Sorry daughter-in law!"

Vitani roll her blue eyes eyes. She snorts, "Now you should know by now that she can't hold on to a secret for long."

We all laugh.

I turn my head and see a male lion walking up to Vitani's side. He her exact color fur, Kopa's eyes and brown mane. He shares his father's black ear tips too. He's very handsome and muscular indeed. We both make direct eye contact.

I clear my throat, quickly turning away.

"Hello mother. More lions to meet?" He asks.

"Oh Hashaan! This is your cousin Makosa's fiancé Bahiya, the future Queen and their friend Auni. Girls, this is one of my children." Vitani introduced.

Her son shook paws with Bahiya's first.

"My name is Hashaan. Nice to meet you, your highness!"

Bahiya chuckles. "Not your highness yet, but thank you. I'm sure Makosa is glad that know that he has a cousin. You look just like your parents!"

Hashaan laughs. "Ha, thank you. I've gotten that a lot today."

Hashaan then turns facing me with a genuine smile. "And you are?"

"Auni" I reminded. I return the smile shyly.

Why am I acting so shy all of a sudden? I'm never shy when meeting new lions! Unlike Bahiya, he picks up my left paw and gave it a small peck.

"Nice to meet you! The name is Hashaan."

My cheeks are probably red hot right now. Bahiya elbows my shoulder with an eye wink. I roll my eyes at her with annoyance.

A lioness who has Kopa's exact color fur added with Vitani's hair tuft and blue eyes, walks up with a cub riding on her back.

"And this is my other two children Aiysha and Sahel." Vitani introduces again.

I wave my paw at them. "Hello, my name is Auni!"

Bahiya smiles while shaking Aiysha's paw. "And I'm Bahiya, Makosa's fiancé."

Aiysha nodded with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you both."

"Bahiya, do you and Auni mind showing them around the Pride Lands since they are going to stay for a while?" Queen Kiara asks.

Bahiya nodded. "Sure! Come on guys, follow me."

As she leads the way, Aiysha walks beside her while Hashaan and I travel quietly behind them.

This should be an interesting tour...

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now