Lions and Jackals

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I shot open my eyes. "Huh what?"

Auni and Maha are standing in front of me with laughs.

"Girl get up!" Said Auni.

"Yeah, Karima is giving us the day off from hunting lessons. We can hang out today!" Said Maha.

I rub my eyes. "Why so early girls?"

Maha laughed. "Early?! Girl, how long did you stay up last night? It's almost afternoon!"


Auni nodded. I got up with a stretch and walk outside the cave. The sun shined bright causing for me to squint and shield my eyes with my paw.

"Wow, I did sleep in pretty late. How come no one woke me up?!" I ask.

They walk up behind me.

"Well because, you were sleeping like a baby. You had droll dripping from your mouth. Gross!" Said Maha.

Auni stuck out her tongue and nodded. "Yeah, yuck!"

I roll my eyes at them. "Oh, shut up! So what are we going to do today since we have the day off to relax?"

"I don't know..."

"How about we go irritate the boys? They always do that to us on the regular basics!"

Yeah, maybe I can actually hang with Makosa hopefully alone this time...

I smile. "Yeah, let's go find them."

The three of us walked down Pride Rock to go search for Makosa and Ishara.

"If I was a boy, where would I be?" Auni asks.

"I didn't know it'll be this hard to find them. Where the heck are they?!" Maha says, feeling frustrated.

I stop walking and look around shrugging my shoulders. "I don't know. They're probably-"


"Ahhhhh!!!" We yell.

"Hahaha, we got them Makosa!"

Ishara jumped down from a tree and laughed. He high five Makosa. I growl at him, "Ugh, you moron!"

"Yeah, you scared us all to death!" Maha frowned.

Makosa climbed down safely from the tree. He chuckled, "Relax, it was only us. Besides we were just playing!"

"Relax it was only us. Blah, blah, blah!" Auni mocked.

I smirk at Auni and Maha. "Girls, let's get them!"

Ishara backed away frighten. "What? N-No don't!"

Maha, Auni, and I walked up with growls.

Makosa runs off. "Run Ishara!"

Ishara sprints off, we chase after them.

"There's no escape boys!" Maha yells.

Auni nodded. "Yeah, might as well give up!"

My eyes are set only on Makosa. As I get closer, I prepare myself to pounce on him.


"Grrrrrr!!" I growl.

Makosa gasps and try to dodge away from me but it was too late. I pounce on his back. He slows down his running pace.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now