A Close Bond

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A butterfly beats its wings up and down so sharply it looks like it's under remote control, as if a tiny electrical current opens and shuts those vivid yellow blades. With legs that somehow stick, it holds the stem of the flower that is already passed its peak, petals blackened at the edges and curling. Perhaps it already knows the summer is fast becoming fall, that soon the leaves will tumble and the nights close in, chilly and short. I hope not. I hope it lives everyday with never a thought for the future or past. There is as much beauty in that as in its sunny hue.

I open my mouth with a big yawn. I feel sleepy and could use a nap right about now. I was laying in the grass watching the pride cubs run around with laughter. It made me smile, remembering a time when I was once that small and innocent. Where does the time go?

Prince Kion and Princess Aala's twin daughters "Adia" and "Chanua" are playing a nice game of tag with Mheetu and Haida's son "Mosi". They're all so freaking adorable! Mosi is "it" in the game. The girls run as he chase them around in circles. Somehow Mosi had tripped over something and fell on his belly.

"Ouch!" He whine.

I notice he doesn't get up which means he's hurt. I admittedly got up on my four paws and jog over towards him.

"Mosi, are you alright?" I ask.

"I think so." Mosi reply with a nod.

I watch as he lick his right arm. "What about your arm there? Let me take a look."

Mosi nodded again and shows me his arm. I see a small amount of blood. He earned a scratch from his fall.

"Oh poor thing! You got to be more careful okay? We should take you to your mother."

"My mommy is gone. She went somewhere with Adia and Chauna's mommy. My dad is here though!" He says.

"Okay. Where is he? I can carry you there."

"Behind Pride Rock."

I nod and pick up Mosi by the scruff. Adia and Chauna realize that their small game of tag has been disturbed.

"Hey Ms. Kisima! Where are you taking Mosi?" Adia asks.

"To his father. He tripped over something while running and is now hurt." I shortly explain.

Chauna looks worried. "Oh no! What if you can't play with us anymore Mosi?"

Mosi chuckles. "I will Chauna, relax. It's just a small scratch I'll heal fast!"

I start walking back to Pride Rock. The twins follow behind me. While on our way home, I see my boyfriend Ishara walking side by side with Mila. I furrow my brows.

What in the hell could they be talking about?

But then I remembered Ishara telling me last night that he was going to speak to Mila about me. That could be why he's with her right now.

At least I hope...

I walk behind Pride Rock and found Mosi's father Mheetu laying on top of a large warm rock. He was talking to his mother Nala the old retired Queen. It's amazing how she's still here out living her late husband Simba, the old great King who I've heard passed about 2 in a half years ago. Nala is still here breathing strong.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now