Chapter Two

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Okay so here's chapter two and I'm gonna make it good. I sort of have my story planned out a bit and so yup here's chapter two.

Sabrina's POV

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I slowly lifted my head and saw that Austin was gone. He must be the source of the wonderful smell because the other guys can't cook. I was now leaning against the headboard of my bed. I uncovered myself from my blankets and made my way out to the kitchen almost falling in the process.

"Morning," Austin said flipping the bacon.

"Morning, Where are the guys I thought they would be up by now," I asked.

"Sleeping still."

"Wanna wake them up?"

"Yeah, how though?"

"Let's wake them up with music. Music Monday's." I grabbed my ipod picking the loudest song on the top. Not the American Average by Asking Alexandria. The music started playing and I started screaming with the music as Tino, Aaron and Phil stumbled out rubbing their eyes.

"Come on baby keep it down, honey hush your lips-" I went to sing the last verse but a blonde chick came out walking down the hallway.

"Hey can you turn that screamo shit down? I'm trying to sleep."

"Nope," I said popping the p. She started coming at me and she swung her fist at me and hit me.

"Take that you whore," she shouted at me. I jumped up came at her and started pulling her hair.

"Austin open the freaking door."

"Okay," he opened it and I through her out the door heading towards the kitchen grabbing another ice pack.

"What's all the noise out here?" Alan said walking down the hallway. I started walking toward Alan with a ice pack on my eye.

"Next time, control your fucking girlfriend Ashby because she just punched me in the fucking face you dumb ass," I spat. I headed toward my bedroom throwing my bathing suit on. I walked back down the hallway and walked through the sliding glass doors. I started walking towards the pool. I saw that Alan had came out and was walking towards the pool as well. Just as he was about to reach me I jumped in the pool and when I reached the bottom I stayed down there.

Alan's POV

What Sabrina just told me was like a smack in the face. I couldn't believe my girlfriend just did that to my friend.

"I think you have something to say to her," Austin pointed towards the pool. I started walking outside and Sabrina noticed me. She took one look at me and jumped into the pool. I had waited a little to wait for her to come up but she didn't. I took my shirt and shoes off and jumped into the pool. The ice water sent shivers down my spin. I don't know how she was able to swim in this water year round. I left my eyes open so I could find her even though my sight was still blurred. I finally found her and pulled her up to the surface of the water taking a deep breath.

"Austin!" I shouted and he came running out the slidding glass doors.

He pulled her out and started checking her pulse.

"Her heartbeat is so quiet," he worriedly picked her up bridal style and started heading for the door.

"Guys turn the heat up," I shouted. Why would she do this in early April.

We brought her into her room while Austin made me turn around while he got her into some pjs. He layed her under her covers and layed next to her.

"I hope she wakes up by tomorrow we have to get ready for Warped in a couple of days," Austin piped up.

"I hope so to man. Look I'm sorry that Brooke hit her I didn't know she was going to do that."

"It's okay we should have turned the music down."

"Hey Austin if you want you can go to bed. You've been with her for four hours. I will stay with her."

"You sure?" he asked.


"Okay, thanks," he said getting up and exiting Sabrina's room. I got up and gently sat on the other side of her bed moving closer to keep her warm. I know that I'm in a relationship with Brooke, but this felt right. I soon realized that I was starting to fall asleep while listening to Sabrina's heartbeat.

Sabrina's POV

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I turned over to see a sleeping ginger in my bed. Why was Alan in my bed? How did I get here, I was swimming? My mind kept going with thousands of questions. I leaned up feeling light headed, but I still forced myself out of bed. I started making my way out to the living room to check the time, 7:00 I can't go back to sleep. I turned the tv on flipping through what looked good. I soon decided I would watch something on Netflix because nothing good was on. I finally decided to watch Law and Order Special Victims Unit. I'm so surprised the beginning didn't wake the guys up. It was so loud. I wonder who had the tv up that loud? It started to roll around 10 o'clock so I decided the boys had to wake up. My room was the farthest so Ashby was gonna be last. I started with Phil. I crouched down by his head.

"Phillip, wake up," I whispered in his ear.

"5 more minutes mom," he groaned.

"I ain't yo mamma." I tugged on his ear.

"Okay, okay I'm up."

"Good."I started walking into Tino's room and he was already up watching tv. I went to the next room. Austin's room. He was gonna get pay back for waking me up the other day. I walked in and started climbing on the bed and I sat right on him and started jumping up and down.

"Austin Wake up."


"Because I said so that and I'm hungry and I can't cook."

"Fine only because I don't want to have to buy another house."

"Yee, food." I started walking my way to my bedroom where I saw a sleeping ginger on my bed.

"Meeeoooow," I said dragging the word out.

"Nice try but I'm already awake," he said chuckling.

"Oh nuts." I jumped off my bed and remembered I had to pack my bags for Warped.

"Out ginger."

"Why?" he whined.

"Because I said so."

"I won't bother you if I can stay," he was sticking his bottom lip out.

"Fine, you can stay but don't touch anything."

I pulled my suitcase out from underneath my bed and walked over to my closet. I pulled out every tank top that I had. I walked over to my dresser the eager ginger watching me. I pulled out every pair of shorts I owned. I shoved them into my suit case. I pulled my other suitcase out that I was using for my bras and underwear along with all my makeup and hair care stuff. I started with my hair care stuff. Alan watched as I put every item in. I grabbed my makeup and started putting that in when Alan spoke up.

"What are you doing with that stuff?"

"Putting it in my suitcase. "

"Why you don't need it," he said taking my makeup out of my hands.

"Yes I do Alan so hand it over."


"Don't make me jump on you," I said tackling him. I grabbed my makeup from him and put it in my bag. I had finished packing around 12 o'clock.

I walked out to get something to eat when the door opened and that bitch Brooke walked back in. She saw that Alan was behind me and started cussing me out.

"You Fucking hoe you stay away from my boyfriend."

"I'm sorry but I don't want anything to do with your 'boyfriend' because if he was smart he wouldn't date you." I walked straight past her and walked out the door. I started walking down the street and I didn't even know where I was going.

Well here's chapter 2. I hope you like it. vote. comment. follow. Thanks.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat