Chapter 17

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I see you got the message!

Alan's POV

I opened my eyes and rolled over. The spot next to me was empty. I sat up and looked around the room and then looked at the clock. 2:16 p.m..

Damn no wonder why she got up. I pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and walked down stairs. I heard the tv in the living room going off and curled up in a ball with little Sophie snuggled next to her was Sabrina. She must have came down here earlier and fell asleep.

I started the coffee maker and grabbed some eggs out of the fridge to make pancakes. I cracked a few eggs into the bowl, mixed some batter in and started to mix them together when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Morning babe," she said in a sleepy voice. I turned around and pecked her on the lips.

"Morning, how was your nap?" I asked her.

"Great actually, Sophie kept me pretty warm," she giggled. I loved her laugh. It made me happy knowing she was happy. "What are you doing today? I have to go help Deanna start decorating everything for next week and I have to go home for a few. You can tag along if you want."

Sabrina's POV

"Sure and then tonight we're getting together with the guys at the club and we have no choice on that because Austin made the decision." Ugh I didn't want to go out, but after helping Deanna I will need a couple drinks anyway so I might as well go.

"Okay well let's get going," I said running up the stairs to get ready with Alan on my tail. I pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and my old trip shirt from Virginia. I took my hair out of the pony tail it was in and put it up in a bun. I walked over to my suitcase by Alan's closet and pulled out a my black on black converse. My favorite. I went downstairs to meet Sophie on the couch waiting for us to leave as if she wanted the house to herself. "Alan you ready?" I called up the stairs.

"Yeah," he said walking down the stairs pulling on his shirt and grabbing his keys. We walked out to the car and music started blaring. Austin's screams were coming through the speaker and all of a sudden Shayley's voice came through the speakers. It's been forever since he was in the band, but Aaron filled his shoes pretty quickly. Alan pulled into the venue where the food will be. Food. I saw Andy rearranging stuff and I went over to ask him what we should do. I got assigned flowers and Alan go to help with the tables and chairs. I grabbed some vases and filled them with beads and candles.We have people who will put the flowers in on the day. I found out sooner or later and had to take them all out. We all finished around 5:30 and I still had to get ready for tonight. I was planning on seeing Deanna today but I guess she had other stuff to do.

"To my house. I say you drop me off and pick me up at 7 o'clock. "

"Okay and if we get done sooner call me." he said.

"I'm going to take all the time I can," I giggled while getting out of the car. I walked up the steps to my tiny house and unlocked my door waving goodbye to Alan. I ran up my stairs falling in the process. I grabbed a shower and walked over to my closet picking out a white strapless sundress and a pair of white heels. I left my hair natural just brushing it out. I put on a fair amount of makeup. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time 6:56. Alan should be here soon. I grabbed some money out of my wallet and shoved it in my bra with my phone. I apprroached the stairs and had a death grip on the railing so I wouldn't fall down the stairs. I get to the bottom and Alan is sitting on the couch on his phone. "Couldn't stay away could you? " I laughed at Alan. He looked up and smiled.

"Nope," he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," Alan grabbed my hand leading me toward the car out in the drive way full of people. He opened my door and sat down patting his lap. I climbed in and he shut the door. Aaron was our designated driver tonight and I don't think he was very happy about having to drive everyone home sometime later. Everyone was singing and I am 100% sure that Phil and Tino were already tanked. Let me remind you again. Poor Aaron. We pulled up to the club and we piled out of the vehicle. Alan grabbed my hand and we walked over to the bar. We took  about five shots of Vodka each and I wanted to go dance but Alan wanted to keep drinking so I shrugged it off and went to dance with Austin. More and more people started showing up and our group dispersed even more. I decided to go find Alan and I went over to the bar where I last saw him about 35 minutes ago. I get into view of a red headed girl on top of a ginger. My ginger to be exact. "Really Alan! Maybe Kellin was right about you!" he pushed the girl off of him and stood up.

"What no!!"

"Save it Alan we're over. I never want to see you again," I cried. Now the music stopped and everyone was watching. I pushed through all the people and walked into the brisk July air. I pulled out my phone and called Kellin to let him know he was right. He picked up the phone. "Kellin..." I cried.

"Sabrina is everything alright?" he asked.

"You were right Kellin..." I choked out.

What do you think Kellin's going to do?

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