Chapter 14

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Alan's POV

My phone started buzzing signaling for me to get up. I looked at the time. 2:00 pm. Wow I slept a lot later than usual. I walked into the bathroom and popped an Advil to help with the pain. I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and a Of Mice & Men tank top with the sides cut. I walked up to the front of the bus and was met by everyone. They were all dressed and ready for the day.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Tino taunted. I flipped him off. "Sorry I don't go that way other wise I would!" Everyone laughed.

"Morning," Sabrina came over and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning," I perked up. She chuckled at my sudden happiness. "So today I am going to spend time with you until our set at 7. How's that sound?" I asked.

"Great!" she cheered. She walked into the back and came out with her camera and snapped a couple pictures of us. "Ready?" she asked.

"Ready, bye guys see ya later," I shouted as I walked out the bus door hand in hand with Sabrina.

We walked around for about three hours taking pictures of everything and everyone. We walked over to our merch tent where I sighned a couple things and I sat down with Sabrina on my lap. She kissed my cheek and I returned the kiss to her lips. Sabrina giggled a bit through the kiss and I smiled. 

"Sabrina Elizabeth Bostwick why are you sucking faces with that ginger!" a high pitched voice I recognized as Kellin Quinn. I automatically get offended and stand up knocking Sabrina off my lap.

"What do you mean by that!" I spat at him.

"I don't want you to hurt her like you did with all your past girlfriends!" he spat back. Sabrina stood up and started pulling Kellin away before we started fighting even more. She mouthed 'I will talk to you later' to me and walked in the direction of the Sleeping With Sirens bus.

Kellin's POV

I walk by the merch tents and see a blonde making out with Alan Ashby. Poor girl. Little did she know she will be dumped after he gets layed. I made out the blonde as my best friend and pretty much sister Sabrina. She is pretty much my sister since her parents kicked her out and my family took her in. My mother raised her like her own. I mean we even changed her last name to Bostwick so when we went some where she would know she is just as much a Bostwick as I am. I imediatly shout at her and Alan said some stuff back and she pulled me away toward my bus.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick what in the world do you think you're doing?" she asked.

"I could ask you the same thing Sabrina Elizabeth Bostwick," I emphasized her last name.

"Kissing my boyfriend!" she spat at me.

"Boyfriend? I thought you two were friends?" she was making me so mad. Why can't she understand that he will dump her after he gets what he wants from her.

"We are TOGETHER as a COUPLE!" she said. Those words hit me hard. I was her brother and I am supposed to protect her until she finds the one and Alan I can tell you right now for free is not the one.

"Until he screws you and then dumps you!" I whisper shouted.

"Alan is not like that!" She acted hurt. He has her wrapped right around his finger. Why won't she open her eyes. I like Alan as a guy. I just don't like him with my sister.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt." She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

"You have to promise me that you will say sorry to him. He has done everything for me and I hate to burst your bubble but if he ever proposes when we're older he has to ask you for your blessing." I nodded.

"Fine but if he hurts you I am going to kill him okay." She laughed and nodded.

"So when do I get to see my niece?" She asked. Copeland and Sabrina had a special bond and I could never find out what it was.

"After Warped. Everyone wants you to come over for dinner." I smiled at her. She gave me a teethy smile back. I opened the door to my bus and we headed back over to where Alan was.

"Look Alan I didn't mean to offend you or anything I was just being an over protective brother in his little sisters business, but if you hurt her you die." 

"Don't worry I never had plans to hurt her. I love her!" Maybe Alan does love her as much as I hated to admit it.

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So here's a new chapter for my sweet babies. So Kellin found out about Sabrina and Alan eh!

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now