Chapter 3

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Whelp here's chapter 3. Hope you like it.

Austin's POV

I can't believe what just happened. Alan's girlfriend just chased Sabrina right out of her own house. I wanted Brooke out right now.

"Alan can I speak to you in the kitchen," I motioned over towards the kitchen.

"Yeah sure," he said following me.

"I want her to leave right now. She just made Sabrina leave her own house."

"Okay I know it was wrong for her to do that. I will tell her to leave right now." He started walking back into the living room. I just listened through the door way.

"Brooke I'm going to need you to leave."

"But babe--" she was cut off.

"No, don't but babe me. What you did was wrong. Sabrina is my friend and if you can't take that then I don't think we should be together," he blurted.

"Fine if you want that skanky ass, slutty whore as yourfriend then so be it. Once I leave I'm not coming back!" she yelled through the door.

Sabrina's POV

I was walking down the street I didn't know where I was going to go. I put my hand in my pocket searching for my phone pulling it out I dialled the only number that hasn't changed.

"Hello," I heard a voice through my phone.

"Hi Deanna, Can I stay the night?"

"Ya sure. CC won't be home until late so we can talk when you get here."

"Okay I'm on my way." Yes Deanna is my cousin. Yes she is dating Christian Coma from Black Veil Brides. I thought that it was cool. They were so cute together. Andy and I actually tried to be in a relationship together but we couldn't, so we stayed best friends and we talk together about everything. I started walking down the street until I came to a very familiar one. Deanna's and CC's. I started walking up the marble path up to a very big wooden door. I knocked on the door and my cousin opened the door.

"Come on in," she said holding the door open for me. I walked in and I set my stuff down. I sat down on the soft black couch. Deanna plopped down next to me.

"So what's up?" she asked.

"Alan's girlfriend called me a whole bunch of names and hit me yesterday. I didn't want to deal with it, so I was going to swim. Austin had told Alan to talk to me and when I saw him coming I jumped into the pool and I didn't swim back up. Alan jumped in after me. I didn't wake up until the next day but when I did he was in my bed to. I started packing my bags for Warped and when I came back down Brooke Alan's girlfriend called me a whole bunch of names and told me to stay away from him. I packed the rest of my stuff and took off down the street and when I was far enough away I called you."

"Wow so you didn't even tell Austin where you went?"



"I was afraid he would come and get me."

"Okay then. It's late, you better get some sleep."

"Okay I will. Goodnight Deanna. Love you."

"Night Love you too." I ended up drifting of into a nice dark sleep.


The next morning

I woke up to the sound of somebody walking through the door. I lifted my head to see who it was. I saw a small stature walk in. He was humming to himself. I quietly got off the couch and followed the sound into the kitchen. I knew that person anywhere. I started walking over to the person that sat down at the island table.

"Andy!" I said clinging to the mans back.

"Sabrina, What are you doing here?" he asked giving me a genuine smile.

"I had a fight with Alan's girlfriend and things were said and done."

"Alan as in Alan Ashby?"


"Awe man I'm sorry."

"It's okay and hey are you playing Warped in a couple of days we are supposed to head out today but I guess they're leaving without me."

"Ya we are, you should watch us."

"Maybe I will."

Austin's POV

She still hasn't shown up since she left yesterday. She might be hurt. I hope she returns soon we leave for Warped at 4:00. I have tried calling and texting, but she doesn't seem to answer her phone.

"What time is it Phil?" I asked.

"2:00, don't worry man she will be here." Right after he said that she walked right through the door. I lunged at her not letting her go. I was afraid that if I did let her go I would loose her again.

"Sabrina, where have you been?"

"It doesn't matter anyway. Let's just go as long as Brooke isn't at Warped then I am still in."

"Don't worry I broke it off with her," a voice called from the kitchen.

"Well let's start putting our bags in the bus," Tino spoke up. We started heading back to our bedrooms to grab our suitcases. I came walking out of my bedroom the same time as the others and according to them I was having trouble carrying my suitcase.

"Do you want me to help you with that," Austin spoke up.

"Nah I'm good." We walked out of the front door locking it in the process. We started climbing onto the bus picking out what bunks we wanted.

"I call bottom bunk," I shouted.

"I call top," Alan yelled.

"I want the other bottom. I call dibs." Austin screamed in a high pitched girly voice.

"I will take the other top because I am NOT being sandwiched," Aaron said flatly.

"Hahaha you two get middle," I said sticking my tounge out in the process.

"Ugh why," Tino and Phil groaned in sync.

"Sorry boys next time call dibs," Alan said slyly.

"Who are you calling a boy we're older than you," Phil grunted. I slid my bag under my bunk and walked back to the front of the bus tripping over Alan in the process.

"Do you mind I'm trying to walk here," I huffed. He reached his hand out to me and helped me up.


"So who wants to celebrate," Austin said pulling some vodka out of the cupboard.

"Me," they yelled in sync.

"I think I'm going to turn in early. I want to get up early and take pictures of the first venue," I said stumbling past them. I walked into the bunk area closing  the door. I walked over to my suit case and pulled out a pair of zebra pajama shorts and a black spaghetti strap tank top. I climbed under my covers and went to sleep accassionally hearing the boys laughing.

Well I hope you like it.

Sorry it's so short. I will work on making my chapters longer.



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Love you guys :)

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now