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Start from the beginning

While thinking about it I didn't notice I was crying and I ended up putting the cigarette out and started sobbing all of a sudden all I could do was curl up in a ball and just sleep it off and so I did I went to sleep on a bench in the garden of Rose though I am really just a maple leave in this garden here.

---Now back to the present Time---

~Tamaki's P.O.V~

I don't how but we all bumped into each other and the twins made a bet.

"Whoever finds Forsythe First gets to take him on a date!" Haruhi didn't seem all that interested but these heathens even Kyoya was very interested why!

"Hm, it seems like your Jealous Tamaki." Honey had said and I replied "what no! I like a challenge there are no teams then!" the twins didn't seem to like that idea but Kyoya butted it "then that means there is only one winner and only one I guess we can go for it." He grinned and the Twins looked at each other "Fine! Let's go our separate ways!".

The Twins did their Brotherly Act because of the girls in the area but I had run off while no one noticed and I heard Honey yell "No fair Tama-chan got a head start!" and they all ran as well this was a race to the death well to Forsythe wait oh god he will be so angry with us.

I continue to look and think about the garden and I felt a light bulb and ran to the garden and there he has I noticed his stuff were out and looked wet but dried up and his face looked wet was he crying? I walked up to the bench and seen his right eye I have only seen his right eye twice and it looks so much better but I put his eye patch on and grabbed his bag and gently picks him up and hoped not to wake him.

~Forsythe's P.O.V~

I felt my eye patch being put on and felt someone pick me up I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Tamaki. God, he looks the same but princely I guess and what was like the ice king? I grinned slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck and dried my face into his neck and I stayed crying again and remembered something that happened a few years ago.

--Two years ago on Forsythe's Birthday--

~No one's P.O.V~

Somehow it was perfect on August 26 the day of Forsythe's Birthday he woke up and gotten ready for the day of work on the Maple Syrup Farms with his Cousin's Asher, Ashley, Veronique and Veronica and his Mother Emma and her twin and his uncle Emerson.

Though to everyone's surprise, Ryusei was to come and along with a Blonde Teen.

"Oh, Ryusei I didn't think you would come today nor bring someone..." Emma spoke up and sounded disappointed "Emerson go take the kids to the farms I have to talk to Ryusei alone..."

"Oh nonsense Emma..." Ryusei looked to Forsythe "This is Tamaki Yuzuru's son and Tamaki this is My son Forsythe now take good care of him!" Ryusei pushed Tamaki towards Forsythe and Emerson led the kids to the Farm.

~Forsythe's P.O.V~

"What made you want to come here?" I looked at Tamaki and before he could answer Veronica had grinned and spoke "Your pretty famous Tamaki Suoh heh you would give us an advantage" then Veronique added on to the conversation "Yea did you come for Forsythe I mean really he has zero time for people" I looked away yo hold my tongue but before I could burst Asher stopped the situation "quit it Ronnie and V and get going Tamaki came with Ryusei so of course he is here because of Forsythe now get moving" he pushed the girls ahead of him and also added "Forsythe go tame Tamaki out and explore Toronto He couldn't care less about Maple Syrup." I nodded and looked at Tamaki who just smiled at me and linked arms with me and I led him away.

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