"God please if you're listening," Diego states clutching onto me, digging his hands into my rib cage. "I'm too young to die, I'll go to university just please let me live."

I chuckle and speed up down the road, it's straight so no, there's no way of us dying just yet. I tighten my hold on the handgrip speeding up enjoying the wind in my face. I've been ranked amongst the highest so there's really nothing to worry about, but of course Diego doesn't know that just yet.

"Please good lord." He starts again but before he can continue I burst out laughing and slow down the bike, "We've reached our destination."

"Oh thank god!" Diego hops off the bike in two seconds and kisses the ground gratefully.

I chuckle at the sight and he gives me a warning stare, "You almost killed us."

"Uh no, I didn't. I've been here hundreds of times and I know what I'm doing Diego. I know this place like the back of my hand. It's not my second time riding that was just said to keep you worried." I smile and bring the bike closer into the woods.

"How long have you been riding for?" He questions before adding. "And how come you don't have a bike?"

"3 years and it's down at the motorcross track that my dad co-owns." I state and he looks impressed.

"Aw, is it all pink and sparkly?" He mocks.

"No, black with a flame pattern going down the sides actually." I smirk before tugging on his arm to go into the woods.

"You scare me princessa." He chuckles.

"Yet here you are following me into the woods." I add.

"Speaking of, what are we doing here exactly?" He furrows his eyebrows, his eyes shining under the moonlight. His jawline ready to cut and his hair ruffled from the ride. So effortlessly attractive. Even when he doesn't try to look good he does, I can't even begin to imagine what he'd look like if he put some effort.

"I have to confess some things and so do you." I look at him blankly and he takes a deep breath.

"Sorry, what?" He asks looking confused as hell.

"I did something I wasn't supposed to and I have questions." I state the truth and remove a branch out of the way. I read someone else's journal and that was wrong but what if it's his? He's hurting deep down, it was obvious in his eyes. Those hazel grey-eyes I'll never forget. I could've sworn they looked identical to Lucas'.

"Alright...and what does this have to do with me?" He inquires and I duck under the low hanging branches to reach the clearing.

"You'll find out in a bit, we're here." I say as I look around. A small clearing by the edge of a cliff where the waves relentlessly strike the rocks. It's been my special place for years now, ever since my mom left us. There was a big log in the center, ideal for sitting. I used to make campfires here all alone where I could be one with nature. The place is truly breathtaking.

"This is amazing, wow." Diego is turning around in circles before pointing at a spot in the sky, "That's Orion!"

"Yeah there's no light pollution so the night sky here is quite the sight." I reply and take a seat on the log bracing myself for what I'm about to say. I could've gotten it all wrong but I need to know the answers to my questions. It's a chilly night and I'm glad I dressed warm. I realise Diego has been looking at me the whole time and he had taken a seat beside me but I was too absorbed in my thoughts.

"Elena whatever this is about, it's bothering you. You can always talk to me, you know that right?" Diego looks at me cautiously not knowing what conversation to expect. I'm slightly disappointed he didn't call me princessa but this is and indication that he's serious. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it giving me a reassuring smile.

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