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You'd made it to home time, but it had been a long day after you'd parted ways with Matt in the kitchen. He made an excellent cup of tea and you'd agreed to take him up on the offer if he happened to ask you ever again. You'd really enjoyed his company and despite your earlier judgements on him he wasn't much like you'd expected.

You'd found he was actually a lot like you in terms of his interests and was an all-round really nice guy, which, part of you wanted to think he might have been even a little too nice. Despite him starting up your conversation originally you could tell he was quite shy, but you didn't really mind, you tended to be reserved also.

You put your glasses in their case, pulled your headphones from around your neck and placed them both into your desk drawer, before locking it. You stood up and stretched your arms, looking over at Janet, "I'll see you Monday then Janet, have a nice weekend." John had already left a few hours ago to see to some personal matters and you'd really missed his morale support, making your day stretch even longer.

"Yep you too ____ have a nice day at college tomorrow," she said monotonously still hammering away at her keyboard like a wind up robot that wouldn't wind down.

You smiled pulling on your jacket and placing your jumper in your bag, you also pocketed your keys and walked for the lift, pressing ground floor when you entered, but it felt empty without Matt.

Once you were out of the building you located your car, finding the antenna in the crowd easily as it was adorned with a Mickey Mouse head from your last visit to the Disney Store. You got in the car the stereo startling you as it blared out, you turned it down a notch before fastening your seatbelt and starting the engine, turning the music up when you'd become accustomed to the noise.

At this time you very rarely got stuck in traffic but you felt as though you'd been pinned at these particular lights for a life time, so much so you and the motorbike next to you were having a revving up competition on who would get through the light quicker when they changed green. As they flashed to amber you started your acceleration but he was long gone and then cut you up.

"Tosser," you grunted under your breath.

You finally made it home and parked up in your apartment building designated car space, locking it and proceeding up the stairs, dying for some substantial food and a drink when you finally made it in.


You rolled over to the ominous empty space taunting you in your double bed and sighed, using the balls of your hands to push into your eyes. After you'd sufficiently cleared the sleep you pulled back the duvet skirting the room for your dressing gown. The box standard magnolia walls gleaming brightly despite it clearly being grim outside.

"Typical showers" you said out loud, since moving out, you'd become rather accustomed to talking to yourself on a regular basis.

Eventually you located your dressing gown you slid it on, the fluffy grey material a welcome warmth to the brisk cold air circulating the room outside of your duvet cocoon. Next to locate and secure was your phone which was less of an easy task as you were forever falling asleep with it under the duvet. Once you rubbed your hands blindly under there a few times without finding it you walked into the kitchen noticing this time you'd actually left it to charge.

"Let's see no miss calls, no emails...oh a text" you opened it half hoping it was from someone other than your mum.

Hi Sweetheart, how you getting on? Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? Xx

Sure Mum I'd love to, everything is good at my end. Xx

You sent the message a twinge of loneliness trying to find its way in, but you dismissed it checking the time.

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