Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms

Start from the beginning

Everyone looked at the door and all I could see were girls squealing at this kid and some of the guys were staring but to everyone's surprise, Sensei did something unlike him

    "FORSYTHE! YOUR HERE EARLY MY BABY BOY!" we witnessed a grown man pummel who he called Forsythe and practically smothering him and the girls got louder and were taking pictures too it was exciting and not so boring.

                ~Kaoru's P.O.V~

I couldn't help but laugh and look at Hikaru we both fell in laughter at the scene.

Eventually, the Forsythe kid nearly kicked Sensei off and he looked disgusted because of all the girls but it could have been my imagination just now.

       "Ok ok! Settle down! put the phones away before we all get into trouble." Sensei had closed the door and the class got quiet and we were all staring at Forsythe.

                ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

      "Geez, Dad why did you have to do all that for you seen me a while ago!"

      "Oh! I couldn't help myself baby boy I just missed you!" my father was nearly sulking but remembered he had a class watching us the whole time. "Aw! I almost forgot! Well, students, you all know that we were having a new student and that new student is my son... Now introduce yourself!"

I honestly looked at my father as if I would slap the stupid out of him I didn't want to tell anyone who I was but they know who I am anyway so I might as well introduce myself to everyone who will hate my guts in just one class period.

      "Forsythe Takatsuki... That's my name...." and before my father could tell me where to sit I get bombarded with questions by these girls and their god-awful yellow dresses like hell now who thought yellow dresses and purple blazers went together what imbecile looked at this and thought this was ok!

    "Is it true your Canadian!" one girl asked.

    "How are you Sensei's son you don't look alike at all." another girl asked

    "Are you single!" and a whole group of the girls asked at the same time and I got death glares from most of the boys in the class.

I looked at my father for help but he was to busy laughing and I assumed he knew what I would say so I answered their questions.

    "I am Half Canadian and Half Japanese... And I am the son of a gay man of the name of Ryusei Forsythe Takatsuki who forcibly married my mother and I don't look like him because I get my looks from my from my grandfather and lastly yes I am single but I would date a girl like any of you if anything I prefer my men to look like those twins..." the girls in the class were silent but then I swear their eyes turn into hearts and nearly had nose bleeds and the guys of the class were either laughing or shocked or relieved and those twins their face were as red as Cherry and I smirked and look to my father which who was still laughing at the sight.

         ~Haruhi's P.O.V~

Well today is eventful I guess but I could have sworn that Hikaru and Kaoru were blushing but they were hiding it.

    "Ok! again class settles down you met my baby, Forsythe lets get back to class and Forsythe seat in that seat in front of Haruhi raise your hand please!" Sensei cheered and I did what I was told and Forsythe stared at me and his smirk turned into a faint smile and he hid it but I could tell before he quickly sat down and class started again.

  ----Now we take a Break!----

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