Jungkook just watched and listened to you in silence. His feelings of inferiority towards Taehyung only irked his nerves.

"I'll be honest, at first I liked him for his looks. He was just really handsome and looked so cool, but after all this time spent getting to know him, I feel so much more different than the first time I saw him."

'In other words, I should have kept you away from that stupid mixer.'

"Now that I know him a lot more, I can see the caring side of him as well, and I like it a lot. No matter how much, he cares for his friends."

'If only I didn't give you the chance to get to know him. If I were more assertive with my feelings, would I be in his place right now?'

"He can act like an idiot every once in a while," you started blushing, "but in the end, I know he cares about me." After hearing yourself say all those things, you started to feel warm inside. 'He can act really stupid,' you flashed back to him bringing Kyunghee, 'but he still cares...' From the first time Taehyung comforted you, all the way up until now, the memories flooded in and only fueled your feelings for him.

"So I guess the answer to your question would be: The weird, playful, kind, and caring side of him, is why I like him." You grinned wholeheartedly.

'Aren't I all those things? We're not different in those areas at all! So, why him? That bastard is keeping a stupid secret from you and he still doesn't realize the kind of girl he's got. I don't want her to get hurt, but I hope he fucks up. Bad.'


Jungkook snapped himself away from his thoughts and looked to you. "Yes?"

"You okay there? You zoned out there for a bit."

Jungkook realized that he couldn't give an explanation and veered from the subject with a forced smile attached to it. "A girl's mind is the most complicated thing in the whole universe."

"Why do you say that?"

He shook his head, "no reason."

Just then, the doorbell started ringing. Several times at that. Both of you looked at the door before he rolled his eyes and started making his way towards the door.

'If it's who I think it is, I'm going to--' As soon as he opened the door, Jungkook felt a sneer being drawn on his face. '--kill myself.' Held in his hand, was a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flower. "What do you want?"

"I'm here to see Jiyeong. Is that a problem?"

"She's sleeping right now. Come back another day." Jungkook's attempt to shoo Taehyung only earned himself a scoff.

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