67; a morning treat

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i am trying to upload as many parts as i can as possible

sorry for the whole skipping out part...

i'm currently not myself rn


Josh's P.O.V.


I woke up all frizzy and whatnot with Violet all snuggled in her pillow.

Hopefully she was okay today.

I decided to make her breakfast, since she always does that for me.

I got out of bed slowly before going into the kitchen and pulling out some eggs and pancake mix.

It sorta got me a little confused with all the stuff it said before I heard some footsteps coming.

I sighed before seeing Jade, all tired and only hearing a big t-shirt.

"You're up," I said smiling.

Jade groaned and said "I know... Never hang out with some guys trying to make you drunk. Thank god I got them into the hotel room without any disturbance. Making them all partying too much can get to themselves quickly, you know?"

I nodded before she smiled and rubbed her hair out of the face of hers.

"You making breakfast? For everyone?"

I didn't realize the whole carton of eggs on the counter, and I honestly said "It was just for Violet, that's all."

Jade nodded before saying "Oh, well, if you want to get Violet all better, since I heard what happened, make her some french toast with some scrambled eggs and sausage bits."

"Bits?" I said smiling. "Never heard of those."

"Sausage cut up into little ones, it the strips but just cut off since she acts like a kid with those."

I nodded before she took out the stuff and started opening them.

"I'm gonna help out too, if you want me to," Jade said.

"Oh, the more, the merrier."

Jade smiled and started opening the bread and doing her thing while I opened the carton of eggs and did the cracking and whatnot.

After a few minutes, we got pretty much stuff handled before I walked back into the room to seen no Violet.

That's when I heard the shower starting and I mouthed "Yes!" before throwing my fist in the air and returning to the kitchen.

"Vi's in the shower!" I said to Jade.

She smiled before saying "Good, since this stuff is gonna be pretty good for her to handle."

I sighed before leaning on the counter, and I got curious.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked.

Jade said "Shoot."

"Violet ever act like this? Like, all emotional and whatnot?" 

Jade sighed and said "No... It's a first for me. The reason she's like this is... well, a gift to her. She texted me about it."

That was a turn around for me.

Jade put the french toast on the plate and said "Violet really cares about everything going on, and it scares her because of the past, is all."

"With her old... partner?"

Jade nodded and said "That was serious, and how the family was too. It gets her to somewhere where she won't tell us at all, which makes me terrified because... I don't..."

She stopped doing a lot before sniffing her tears back, and I said "Aw... not you too, come here."

Jade put the spatula down before hugging me and crying silently as I felt her tears hit my chest.

"Jade... your sis will be normal. She always has been, and she'll never leave you because she knows how much you love her, and how she loves you. It's like a circle of love going in a repeat zone constant, and never stops."

Jade nodded before letting go and wiping her tears with her t-shirt.

"Thank you, Josh... I didn't know you were this caring," she said smiling. "You really are a good guy for my sister. She really deserves someone like you."

I smiled before blushing and said "Come on, I'm not that good..."

Jade rolled her eyes, smiling, and saying "Let's just get this food out of the way for her. Along with the other people as well for your taste too."

Violet's P.O.V.

Once I got out of the shower and put on something comfortable, I rest assured that I didn't feel like who I was yesterday.

I got out of the bathroom to enter the hallway all smelling good, and then I remembered the french toast smell.

My ears heard some people talking, and I could tell this was a surprise.

I walked into the kitchen to see Josh and Jade there, all happy to see me.

"Hey!" they both said happy and sorta loud.

Josh kissed me all over my face before saying "Good morning, Vi. Hope you had a good shower and sleep."

I smiled before pinching his cheeks and all soft and seeing Jade holding a plate.

"Oh my god..." I said getting distracted by that favorite plate.

"French toast... eggs... and even...!" I said before keeping my mouth hung open.

Jade said "It's just for you to be remembering your old favorite and simple plate."

I took it and said "You both cooked?"

"Yep!" they both said in unison.

I smiled, and said "I'm sorry... I just wasn't myself yesterday."

"Well, we all forgive you since that burst wasn't really the real you," Josh said. "Just to let you know, we all care for you. Anything you go through, everyone you know has your back."

I smiled before taking a sausage cut up and throwing it in my mouth.

"Tasty!" I giggled before sitting down on the table and eating all happy.

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