5; he wants me. . .

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Violet's P.O.V.


I felt a little bit like mush when I saw my hair smushed on my face and sticking out of places from my head. Oi, I hate that so much considering I crashed heavily from last night.

Concert to be the first weirdly messed up yet exciting time.

I sat up from bed and got out to see a whole lot of texts from during the night process.

Josh: are u asleep yet?

hmmm? 😗

I think it's a yes..

yep, you are asleep 💤

goodnight violet ❤️

I giggled when all these texts were from him, and I texted him back.

good morning Joshie 😊

I sent it and put my phone away before going to the kitchen and looking for something to munch on.

Onya was on the couch passed out like she was thrown without any care for her whatsoever, and I smiled before seeing yogurt.

I took it and closed the fridge to have Onya lift her head up and look surprised.

"Who's there?! I didn't do anything! You can't prove it!" she said holding her phone like a weapon to protect her.

I held my hands up and said "I'm just getting yogurt from the fridge, Onya... It's not like I'm not trying to take her stuff like that other time..."

Onya sighed and put her phone on the couch before remembering something and running up to me.

"What did Josh do!?" she said holding me tightly. "Tell me EVERYTHING!"

I was being shook, and some of the yogurt spilled on me and her, and I said "Okay... calm down, it's not that serious..."

"Uh, yes it is! You had your moment with Josh, didn't you?"

I put my yogurt down on the counter and sat on the little stool before putting my head on my hands.

"DETAILS!" Onya said getting close to my face.


I started telling Onya everything from last night when she kept getting more and more interested by each word.

Josh's P.O.V.

From the moment I saw the message of what Violet send me, I've been up and staying in bed because of how tired I was from last night.

The bus stopped and I got curious to get out and pop my head out the room to see Tyler on his phone.

"Why'd we stop?" I asked him.

"Oh, I told Jeff to pick up Violet since you look desperate to have her around. Plus, she's almost a year or two younger than you, and she doesn't have big things about her work, and more time for you two to be mushy," Tyler said all happy. "You two look cute together."

I sighed and closed my door and sat on my bed to get a text from Vi.

Violet: Why is your bus outside the hotel?

I replied back, telling her why and heard Jenna scream full of joy when I closed my phone.

I popped my head out of the door to see Jenna leave the bus and Tyler smiling before I came out of the room and saw through the window of Violet there.

"Lookie lookie, your girl's having a hug from her bestie," Tyler said nudging me.

Violet's P.O.V.

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