15; a shock

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omg, omg, omg... 😱

i've been legit contemplating about Twenty One Pilots coming to my hometown (which is Chicago) in January and I literally ignored that concert until I realized they came!!! (4/9/17) 😭😭😭😩😩😩

my love for the band is so much, and I want them to come back to Chicago!!! ❤️❤️❤️💔

Oi, and it's going to be a bummer to have them finish touring in June back at THEIR hometown... 💯😭😭

man... 😓😢

I hope they come back next year, or sometime soon...😢🙏💯😭


Violet's P.O.V.

Oi, my head was hurting me so much with the party that went on last night. It was perfect and all, but I could feel a migraine going on with me, and I sorta groaned before covering my head with the pillow and sighed mixed with a moan.

I felt movement from next to me, realizing Josh was in bed too, and I looked to see some light in the room before I groaned again and faked a whimper.

"Vi?" Josh's voice said as usual. "What's up?"

I mumbled something even I couldn't I didn't hear clearly, and Josh moved closer to look under the pillow.

My eyes closed instantly before seeing the light again, and Josh said "Is it the light? You got a headache?"

"Worse... Migraine."

Josh kissed my nose gently before rolling out of bed and closing the shades to make it dark before I thanked him.

He sighed and stretched before I looked around the room with my eyes squinting, and said "What time were you and Tyler going to be at the interview?"

Josh shrugged before sighing and looked about the room. "It's probably something small though, so I wouldn't worry about THAT until tomorrow to leave."

"Really?" I said. "Where to?"

Josh gave a shocked look before placing his hands on his hips with a sassy look. "We are going to Iowa!"

"Oooohhh..." I said before laying my head on the pillow and faking being interested.

Josh jumped on the bed before hugging me with the covers over me and rested his head next to mine. "Is my little Vi still pouty about the little migraine?"

I nodded and kissed him before he kept planting kisses onto me before I surrendered myself and let so many kisses go all over my face.

He eventually stopped and said "I'm gonna get you some pills, okay?"

"Thank you, love," I said while he got off the bed.

He winked at me before he left the room while I sighed and sat up to look at my phone, which hurt my eyes just at how bright it was.

I turned it to the lowest and saw the texts from various people, including Onya and everything else of few friends.

Onya🦋: hey, I heard you back in town💓💓

wanna hang?


seem busy... xoxo

My eyes look to see Josh back with a glass of water and few pills in his hand before I took the pills and sipped the water to gulp it and sigh before I looked at Josh smiling at me.

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