9; the concert

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Josh's P.O.V.

I was telling Violet if she was enjoying this little experience on the road thing since we had to leave in a little while.

Violet dyed her hair really purple, or maybe violet since it was her name. It looked better than the dried purple she had faded on her before.

"So," I said with Violet in the hallway. "You excited for tonight?"

She nodded and smiled before holding her hands together. "I was thinking of doing something after tonight..." she said looking down. "I don't know if you'll go crazy or not..."

"What? Whattie?"

She looked at me when I said that last part, and laughed before shaking her head. I went closer to her before she looked up at me while I opened my mouth and raised my eyebrows.

"Just getting a big kiss, that's all!" she admitted. "That's it!"

It didn't really shock me, but it was cute for her to say that.

She got confused and laughed before Tyler said "We're ready."

"Ooh, it's getting time!" I said looking at my phone. "Let's a go!"

Violet got her arm around mine before I smiled and looked at her. She's just so mushy with me.

Violet's P.O.V.


It was already getting closer and closer to the concert happening, and I was hearing all of the fans having some loud moments or not.

Tyler and Josh were prepping while Jenna had me with her talking. "You know, they always enjoy hanging out with each other, but Tyler..." Jenna said but didn't finish.

"What?" I asked. "Tyler what?"

Jenna sighed and looked at me with hands on chin. "He said that he's not seeing Josh really much..."

My eyes widened a bit, and she added "I'm completely fine with it, but I know they're best friends... We should be like that too!"

"We are! We just... need to plan a lot of stuff over our break..."

Jenna nodded and looked at Tyler laughing with Josh before I smiled and sighed.

"You love Josh?" Jenna asked.

I nodded. The type of love was so real, and it made me feel happy to realize it.

"I'm happy... You know, Josh told me before that if he ever finds a girl again, he'd make sure she would be loved a lot. Even if it mattered to his life, he'd do it."

Jenna was speaking more and more, and it made me feel like Josh had a bad relationship before. I don't know... Don't we all when we get to know someone really much than others?

Josh and Tyler came over before saying "Seems like you two enjoying your little bestie talk."

"Gosh, even you two know what to say in unison," Jenna said rolling her eyes. "That's what best friends look like, and we need to be that!"

I smiled before nodding, and said "I got to use the bathroom... I'll be right back."

Judging from Jenna's sigh, she didn't want me to leave her. It didn't really affect me, but I know she's wanting to be best friends with me so quickly... It's just... wrong.

"You don't want me to go with?" Josh asked me.

I turn to him before shaking my head and saying "I'll be in and out, promise."

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