21; it's happening again

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joshie looks so hyped in the photo ❤️❤️

he's quite happy to🤘

I wonder if this was going on in Chicago 🙏😂


Josh's P.O.V.


I was already feeling a bit exhausted from yesterday, but it was still good.

My eyes looked over at Violet snuggled up in her side before I rolled over to her and hugged her from behind. She melts whenever I hold her so cute, and it's good since she told me.

She moved a little bit before I put my arm on her shoulder and rubbed it softly.

Violet shivered a bit before I whispered "You cold?"

Judging from my warm hands, she nodded and I rested my head on her neck before she giggled a bit.

"Whattie?" I asked her.

She turned to look at me a bit and said "We're reversing roles."


"The other day, you were a bit lonely so I had to cuddle with you. Now, I need it and you're giving it a lot more."

My head almost forgot about making her get the surprise from what she told me last night.

That's when I kissed her neck and kept kissing her before she laughed more and more when I tickled.

"No!" she said in her soft voice. "No more!"

I stopped before I kissed her on the lips and looked at her. "I'm gonna get something from the fridge. Want anything?"

"Agua," she said.

I laughed before getting off the bed and opening the door to see Tyler and Jenna crashed on the couch again.

I rolled my eyes before getting the water and getting my milk out to eat cereal.

Violet came out of the room by the time I poured my milk in the bowl with the Reese's Puffs. "They're still sleeping on the couch?" she asked.

"They're just lazy to go to their real bed," I said raising my eyebrows while putting the milk away.

Violet pecked her lips before she took the water and sipped it while I ate the bowl in my hands.

"Whattie?" she asked.

I smiled before shaking my head and still looking at her.

Violet's P.O.V.

I could tell he was wanting to get my little being in his currenty self, so I got the message and walked back into the room before slipping a peek at my underwear before biting my lip and walking to the bed.

Oi, I never done that to anyone... Why did I do that?

That's when I heard a bowl go on the counter and I turn to see Josh there, and he said "I'm sorry... I just wanted to know what you meant by the little surprise after the show."

My eyebrows raised before I nodded and I laughed a bit. Josh seemed to be a little frustrated and angry at the same time.

"What's funny?" he said pretty serious.

That's when that voice sorta got me a bit since I remember hearing that voice all the time in the past, and it got me a little emotional sometimes just by the thought of it.

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