36; back in action

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omgggg 😱

this photo is the best so far!!❤️❤️😂

i swear, i almost died from seeing josh's face 💯

anywho, we gonna have a skip time so we're gonna be back to tour-type-of parts coming ahead! 👌

oh yeah, what tour is this one i'm doing? you should know 😊



Violet's P.O.V.

It smelt sorta strong with the mixture of my perfume and the air in Russia, but I guess it was the amount of scent Jenna had to add in the bus.

"You excited for tonight!?" she asked me.

"Yeppies," I said on my phone going to the camer. "It's a boomerang on Insta, so... Do you!"

She did something cute while I smiled and put a filter and showed her. "I love it!"

Tyler came out of his room before saying "You guys seen Josh?"

"Last I saw, he was in studio checking out his drums," I said. "He said he also wanted to talk to you about serious stuff."

"Serious? You know?"

"Know what?"

Tyler shook his head before kissing Jenna and running off the bus while Jenna and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"You want to check out our little collection on what to wear tonight?" Jen asked.

"Ehh, I think I might know," I said. "I can still look though."

We got up and went to my room before checking the closet and going through a variety of things.

Josh's P.O.V.

I kept hitting the pedal before saying "It's good!"

My eyes peered over to the cymbals and checking them out too before clearing my throat and hitting them to check the audio.

"Josh?!" I heard a voice call.

I took my clique earbud out and said "Tyler?"

That's when I saw him and he said "Dude!"

"Dude!" I said happily. "Where were you? You miss a little checking."

"Uhhh, you left me on the bus while I had to go do my thing," he said.

I looked at his pants and said "Okay... You did your thang, so... Let's check audio."

He sighed before going over to the mic and adding "Violet also said you wanted to talk to me on something serious too."

"Oh yeah! We'll talk afterwards."

Tyler nodded before checking the mic while I hit the drums with a little force.


I was in the dressing room looking at my reflection before Tyler came in and said "Hey."

"Hey," I said back. "You getting ready?"

"We still got a few hours left. And I need to hear about this serious thing dude, I've been wondering like mad crazy," he said sitting on the couch. "So?"

I sighed before turning around and getting off the chair. I saw down by him before looking down at my shoes and then at him darting at me.

"I got Violet a promise ring," I stated.

Tyler's eyes widened before my eyes peered down at the ground.

"This is amazing!!" he shouted loudly and getting up the couch. "Oh my god!"

I looked at him being a child. "You literally got her one!?"

The ring was in my pocket, so I took it out and showed it to him. He looked like he was gonna cry a bit before he smiled at me.

"I'm proud of you man," he said. "You finally are gonna commit? Like, Violet's the one?"

I nodded before standing up. "She's made me feel more happy whenever I'm with her, or when she needs me or vise versa. I just really want her to say yes to this promise..."

"Dude," he said putting his hands on my shoulders. "She's gonna say yes. Have you not seen how she is with you?"

I smiled before shrugging off and saying "Thanks."

Violet's P.O.V.


I couldn't believe Moscow was going so loudly for them, and I kept cheering while recording Josh and Tyler playing it out there on stage. Jenna was so cute with her outfit while I had my flannel tied around my waist since it got hot a little.

After Car Radio finished, I heard the people cheering for them while I recorded and smiled before Jenna and I got told to leave the area.

The both of us were confused to why, and the security told us that there was some bomb threat going on, and it sorta got me scared a little, so Jenna and I left to go by the buses and waited there since I felt a little worried.

"You okay?" Jen asked me while I was sitting down.

I shook my head quickly. "I'm just worried about Tyler and Josh not here," I said chewing my nail.

She sighed and said "Same. I just want to see their faces all okay."

My eyes focused on the outside before seeing Tyler and Josh running up to the bus before Jen gasped and hugged Tyler the instant he got inside.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" she said while hugging him so tightly.

Josh scooted past them to come by me.

"Vi!" he said holding me. "You okay? I didn't see you backstage."

"I know..." I said into his sweaty chest. "I was just wondering what happened since I heard some bomb threat going on, and Jen and I waited for a while for you two to come back."

Josh looked at me before smiling. "I'm here, that's what matters."

I smiled before we kissed and Tyler said "That scared me a little, to be honest."

"Didn't it?" Josh said turning around. "Hearing something like that can get me a little crazed out. I really was getting into playing the encore."

Tyler nodded before Jeff came by the driver's seat and said "Well, no time to dilly dally. We need to get y'all over to Saint Petersburg."

Before we got to sorta get back to normal, we headed off to get there as soon as possible to get away from any potential harm to the area.



i actually did my research on the concert, and it did actually cancel two songs early due to a bomb threat in Moscow 😱😨

pretty shocking to hear, so I had to watch the concert to see it did end early and people saying about it too😲

at least the writer put "they are safe" 😒😂

obviously... 😒😘

byyyyeee! ✌️

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