57; coincidence

44 4 1

May 27th, 2017

notice the 17 seconds i seen it 🤘

i be stalkin' 😏

let's continue


Violet's P.O.V.


I was with Josh still since he wants me to be sure about me feeling "okay" after the little fight and his sexual favor to make that thought go away.

It did work, and afterwards, I started thinking of like without Josh.

What would that be like?

Hell, I'd probably state.

"Vi?" Josh said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shook a little before seeing him next to me, and he raised his eyebrows to ask "You okay? You were spacing out for a little sec."

My eyes went to his arm, and I nodded before saying "Just thinking about the uh... conversation earlier before we did it."

Josh giggled at my little "did it" quote, but he sighed and said "Don't think about it too much. You'll worry, and then it won't work when I'm here. Then we'll have to find something you need to calm your anxiety."

Sure, Josh, like it's that easy.

"Yeah..." I said before putting my head on his shoulder before he rested his head on mine.

"You're so cute, by the way."

I giggled before sighing and tickling his side, and he did the same with me but I moved and laughed.

He knew it was my weak spot.

Before we kept continuing on, my phone went off and I groaned to see it killed the little enjoyment.

I saw Sapphire's name before answering.

"I thought you're home," I said quickly. "What'cha need?"

"Violet! You need to get over here, NOW!" Sapphire said, but screamed at the 'now' part.

I moved my phone away from my ear, and Josh said "Who is that?"

"Sis," I told him.

She started breathing heavily, and I asked where she was.

Apparently, she was out with some friends she thought she could fit in with, but they're crazy. They want her to do some initiation to have her officially join, but she's hiding.

"All right, just stay put," I said.

I hung up before Josh and I left to get Sapphire.

Josh's P.O.V.

Once Violet and I got over to where Sapphire was at, we saw her at the edge of the window, and I saw her shivering.

"Sapphire!" Violet whispered loudly, but it wasn't loud enough to have her hear since Violet's voice is soft.

So I did the shout.

Sapphire noticed and smiled before screaming since she got pulled back into the room she was trying to leave.

"No!" Violet said scared.

We were trying to figure out what to do, but then the front door opened and Jade was there with Sapphire running.

"Run you guys!" Jade shouted. "They're right behind us!"

I noticed the people dressed all emo, and they were chasing after the others before they noticed me.

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