56; (i am okay)

41 4 0

i'm legit rn sorta like, freaking the hell out!! 💯

rn, i got almost straight A's on my gradebook, and i am able to get one of my classes to an A tmr! (6/15/17) 😏😏

if i get that class to an A, I GET STRAIGHT A'S!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

omg, this is legit an accomplishment i have always wanted in my life 💯

this is like, a special moment for me to take in 😇😬

oh yeah, another photo with photos of Josh when he was at a concert, i forgot which one since i did see his story on Instagram 😋


here's another part!


Josh's P.O.V.


My eyes were burning when I saw the sunlight hitting me with the covers over me with my clothes off.

At first, I was confused before realizing it was the house. There was no Violet though.

That's when I heard a flush from the bathroom, and my head turned to see the door open before revealing a really tired Violet.

"Hey!" I said waving at her with my head on the pillow.

She waved softly before dropping her arm down and rubbing her eyes with her other hand.

Judging from how she was, she seemed like she was exhausted from what she dealt with. I forgot she didn't get drunk since she promised that she'd get all of us home safely, and she did.

"Violet..." I said to her. "I'm sorry for you dealing with the three of us... I didn't mean for us to get so hard on you."

She shook her head before saying "It's okay. I handled it okay."

Her butt hit the edge of the bed before I sat up and sat next to her. "You sure?"

Violet looked at me with her bright red eyes mixed with her mocha eyes, and she seemed like she was serious. You never know what could happen at any moment with the way a person gives a look at you.

"I am okay," she responded. "Really. I handled it all good. Tyler and Jenna were fast asleep, and you were slurring a bit before sleeping too."

I sighed before touching her cheeks and cupping them. "Thanks for our suffering, though. I got to give credit since nobody can handle us like that drunk."

Violet smiled sadly before turning her head down at her shorts, and I got concerned since she was quiet.

After the silence, I had no choice but to make her tell me what was really going on.

I got up and closed the door before locking it and turning around to see her looking confused.

Violet's P.O.V.

"Everything. Now," Josh said before standing over me.

I backed up before saying "You mean like... me?"

"Violet... I just want you to know that you can't keep these feelings from me. You got to tell me what's going on since you trust me a whole lot like no one else."

I sighed before looking at the edge of the bed and looking at the body print on the bed.

"Josh... it's really go-" I tried to say but Josh immediately stopped me with his hand in front of my face.

"Violet." His voice was serious this time, and I could tell he wanted answers.

My emotions started to move all over the place before I hugged my legs and looked at him.

"I have anxiety," I said softly.

Josh looked at me before making a questionable face.

"It's true... Well, it was more serious before I met you."

Josh sat close to me before I sighed and covered my face with my hands. I couldn't handle this type of talk since it really bothers me with what happened to me getting it, and probably just a normal habit of constantly worrying on saying it to people.

"Vi..." he said before moving his face to me. "Why didn't you tell me this?"

I looked away before saying "I didn't worry much... until I met you."

He sorta smiled before giving a sad look at me.

My eyes started to water, and I wiped them away and turned my attention to my thighs.

"It's just... everything that I always view in my eyes. The way I look, the way people look at me, everything. It really gets to me sometimes since I can never control it much with how my parents reacted to it at first," I said with my voice cracking up. "My old boyfriend got it worse for me... how my mom sorta treated me at times, and nobody really helping me with the comfort."

There was a small knock on the door before Josh got up and opened the door to tell I believe Tyler there was a serious talk right now.

Seemed like Tyler didn't want to bother since Josh closed the door and locked it again before turning his eyes to my watery ones.

"Vi..." he said holding his arms out at me.

I got up sorta slowly before landing in Josh's strong arms holding me, and he kissed my head before I sorta cried in his shoulder before pulling back and saying "I don't want you to get all wet from my tears. It's better for you to be clean and dry without me raining on you."

Josh's P.O.V.

Coming from Violet was nonsense since she was refusing this type of comfort, and I ignored her statement.

"I don't care," I said pulling her back onto me .

She sniffed and continued crying before I stroked her hair and shushed her softly.

She eventually got quiet and I looked at her before saying "You think your anxiety is giving you trouble?"

"It always has!" Violet shouted at me. "It won't go away... Unless if you're there."

I stood there, a little shaky since the room was cold. The words that Violet said again was quite interesting since I was the main source for her to be okay.

"So... you're anxiety is only there without me?" I asked her.

She nodded slowly before I saw her move her hair to the side. "It's never occurred to me what could treat my anxiety since my old doctor tried a lot of things. They never worked."

Violet sat on the bed before I sat next to her and moved her hair to kiss her cheek.

"Josh..." she groaned.

I kept kissing her before she sighed and stood like that before I moved onto her lips and moved her hair in the back of her head until she caved and started kissing me sexually.

We fell back on the bed and ignored all the depressing talk.

It's was... well, something we did.

It started with a "F" word if you want to partake.

Or intimacy.



finally finished this part (6/17/17) 😇

found out i'm not getting straight A's 😵😭

thanks a lot, chemistry 😒

my teacher didn't even want me to get an A anyways since he gave me an attitude 😠

whatever 😒

plus, there's more Josh photos to get to see!!!

byyyyee! ✌️

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