34; calling

40 4 0


this photo is legit funny asf 😂💯

i told you photos like these would be coming in fresh🤞



Violet's P.O.V.


It was already a weird but yet normal day with Jenna since Tyler and Josh wanted to hang together and do stuff while I went with Jenna out for girl stuff.

"You know, I wonder how Jade got who she is," Jenna said while looking at her nails. "Sapphire too. Maybe even you too."

I smile before looking down at my taco from Taco Bell.

I mean, they're good, but it's been getting the best of me.

"I mean, Jade got her ways from hearing music at a young age, but it was too real for her," I said. "Like, it was metal music or probably depressing music, I forgot which one. It just makes me wonder sometimes she's the older one than me since I still act like a teenager."

Jenna giggled before saying "You do, actually. It's cute though since Josh loves it."


She laughed when I said that, and I breathed in before continuing on with Jade and Sapphire's turnabout.

Jade got more into the music and eventually joined music band in elementary and high school before having our Dad deciding for her to try out some audition on TV, but she didn't get far since she only got to the second round. It got her a little depressed until some random producer heard her drumming and called for her to try out on a little band needed, and she accepted. Turns out, her "SOON TO BE" one best friend because the other three aren't really enjoying this tour with the stuff they've been going through. Jade had to handle her situation at the airport, and it was cool since she totally forgot about it when she got to Italy.

Onto Sapphire now...

"Well, Sapphire's a whole lot to deal with," I said.

Before I speak about her, someone was calling me, and I looked to see it was a random number.

"Eh," I said clicking to ignore. "So anyways..."

"Why not answer it?" Jenna asked. "You never know who it could be."

"I don't know who it is! I don't want to be stalked."

She laughed before the number went to missed call, and another call shot.

"Okay that's it," Jenna said taking my phone.

"Nooooo!" I said trying to reach over to her.

She answered with "Hello?"

There was a pause before she said "Yes, she'll know. Okay, thanks."

Jenna ended it before I asked "Whattie?"

She seemed a little confused but told me that it was Jade's ex trying to tell me that she's not in Cali.

I sighed before saying "Don't say anything. I don't want to be dragged in Jade's problems since they usually have me in trouble."

Josh's P.O.V.

Tyler and a couple of other friends were over at a little arcade playing some games just to kill time before more people came. It started to get packed later on, and it got me a little "buzzed" for the mood, so I went outside to try and text Violet.

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