41; special day

50 4 0

Done during schoool and also after school 💯


Violet's P.O.V.


I was snuggled up in my blanket since it's so big and soft for me to feel more tired.

My eyes peeked out from Josh's grip on me since he was super buggy with the hugs and holding me and leaving me all empty.

"Josh?" I said softly.

He opened his eyes a little slowly before seeing me, and I asked "Did you ever get that gift for Tyler?"

He looked confused before resting his head on my shoulder before I started rubbing his beard while he kissed my neck.

I kept giggling before he was on top of me and continued kissing me while I was stuck in his grip.

We looked at each other before Josh pulled back and said "Just one more day..."

He got off of me before I said "Huh?"

He looked at me before shaking his head and laying down next to me.

"What about?" I asked him. "Is it serious? Someone die?"

He looked at me crazily. "If someone died, I would've told you on spot. Not wait for like, a few months for it."

That was his mistake to say that, so I smiled and said "It's been a secret for months?"

Josh sighed before putting his face in the pillow next to me before I looked at the ceiling and felt him look at me.

"One. More. Day," he said. "That's all to wait until then."

One more day was going to be quite difficult now since I wanted to know what it was. It could be really important since it's been kept this long, but I could probably get Jenna to tell me since she would never keep anything from me.

"Let's go out for breakfast," Josh said. "I'm pretty hungry."

"I wanna make it at home," I groaned.

"We'll make it at home!" His enthusiasm was changed dramatically since he knew I wanted to stay home in the mornings.

I giggled before kissing him and getting out of my bed with the duck slippers I had a while now before hearing the constant quacks go on with Josh laughing from behind me.

"Stop it!" I said. "It's not my fault the company got to use the noise so loud."

Josh's P.O.V.

She was so cute with her little outfit on.

"You wanna make pancakes for the whole family?" she asked me. "It could be a good treat for Christmas Eve."

"You have that?" I said in a eyebrow raised.

She nodded. "Sapphire was the main cause of it since my parents love getting us presents. I don't know about this year though since I checked the tree and there's only a few for mostly everyone."

Judging from her little concern with her happy Christmas spirit she had, I hugged her to face her and say "I'll get you whatever you want."

Violet giggled before wrapping her arms around my neck. "Really?"

I nodded before kissing her and started to put my hands on her waist to lift her up to have intense kisses through our breaths.

"Eww," a voice said causing the both of us to stop and see Sapphire.

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