2; ummmm

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Josh's P.O.V.

After leaving the bakery that Violet was working at, Tyler nudged me and said "You looked pretty red in there. I can tell she got's a thing for you."

I got red a bit and said "What do you mean? She just seems a little quiet and shy, that's all."

Tyler raised his eyebrows and took a bite of his roll before saying with a mouthful, "You like her, don't you?

My eyes turned to Josh, in which he smiled and I looked ahead before getting in the car.

"Well..." I said getting in the passenger side.

"Well?" Ty said setting his roll down before turning the car ignition on. "Just admit it, dude! You like Violet."

I sighed and looked out the car window. "You know that now, huh?"

Ty hit me and said "Of course, I know. I know a lot of stuff about you, dog breath. You're my best friend, and I know a lot of stuff quickly firsthand."

I briefly looked at Tyler and back out the window before Tyler said "You're mad that I found out you got a crush on her?"

The only thing I could respond with was a shrug. Tyler felt that it was instant connection since Violet did seem pretty fond about the look and everything. Ahh... dream girl ☆☆

Violet's P.O.V.


I was really questioning on how Josh kept going with his day while I was at the rock shop.

Now, some of my friends I made from there always tell me that whenever I make a connection with someone out of the ordinary, they always tell me to not fall for it.

After setting the last few CDs over by the shelves, I heard a voice call me over.

I turn to see it was Onya, a girl that loved to listen to some band named Twenty One Pilots all the time. She always loved wearing sweaters open with different bands, and this time was a Twenty Øne Piløts shirt that had slashed through the circles.

"Onya, what do you need?" I said as soon as I got over by her.

She took a deep breath and said "I think I just saw somebody famous walk by! No lie!"

My face turned brighter when she said that, and I asked "You know who it could've been?"

Onya shrugged and adjusted her sweater adding on "Oh, Drew says that you have to go early because he promised his sis to work here."

I sighed and nodded before saying bye to her and walking home.

When I got to the corner, I turned to my block and started walking to my house that was the most obviously recognized house out of the block. It's the only dark/weirdly colored house along with bright houses surrounding the block.

From a little close to the house, I heard drums going off loudly, and I could tell that someone was playing hardcore to master it.

That's when I heard it coming from the garage, and I noticed it was Josh's family's home. I probably wonder who was doing all that racket.

I decided to go back through the gate to see it more closer, and it got to me when I saw Josh making those noises.

Considering the fact he's real good at it made me smile and continue watching him playing a song that seemed familiar but I couldn't make my mind exact to it.

Josh's P.O.V.

The music kept going off in my head and I opened my eyes to look around and saw Violet standing by the edge of the house from the gate entrance, and I stopped midway into the song.

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