Ch.12 Concert (Again?) and Ships

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“Jade! Luhan! Over here! Look over here! Smile please!” The paparazzi called out from all around us.

We currently were wearing oversized hoodies and sunglasses and I had no idea how they figured out it was us. Like literally, you aren’t able to see our faces, but how did they do it?

“How do they know it’s us?” I whisper towards Luhan’s direction.

“Gee… I have no idea,” Luhan replies sarcastically.

I look at him with a questioning gaze.

Luhan sighs before replying,

“Only the stars are allowed to be on the red carpet. And they obviously would have noticed that we didn’t enter with the rest of the people. They’re paparazzi, it’s their job…”

We ignore the blinding flashes of the camera as we open and enter the building through the solid black doors.

“JADE SOOEUN JUNG! LUHAN! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?” The director of the concert, Lynn, storms towards us while yelling.

“We totally forgot about the concert, sorry,” I say apologetically, putting my head down.

“We need the make up, hair, costume, and everything that has to do with Luhan and Jade pronto. You guys have less than 20 minutes to get her ready,” She snaps into her walkie-talkie.

“Hurry up and sprint-I mean sprint like you’re life depends on it- towards you’re rooms NOW!” The director booms at us.

Luhan looks at me apologetically and starts sprinting towards his room and I turn around to do the same.

“Jade. Don’t think you’re off the hook,” She calls out from behind me.

I just smile before sprinting towards my room.

“Don’t sprint! You’ll sweat!” Lynn yells at me.

I stop sprinting and start speed walking. Bystanders laugh at my behavior and I blush.


“How am I supposed to get you ready in 15 minutes? That’s impossible!” Angel, my hair stylist, was freaking out.

Well, not only was Angel, but my make-up stylist, wardrobe manager, and other staff in charge of me were going crazy.

“I’m so sorry you guys,” I apologize.

I felt really guilty and sorry, especially because they had been waiting 2 hours before the concert even started. Apparently all the performers started getting ready 2 hours before the concert even started. The walking in on the red carpet was all a show for the paparazzi.

“How are we supposed to get 2 hours of work done in 15 minutes?” Angel continued touching up my hair.

“How about you guys use the strength you’re using on talking to work faster?” I ask, sort of annoyed.

I already apologized more than 50 times, but instead of replying she keeps on complaining. It was getting really annoying.

“I’m going to use as much as hairspray we can into you’re hair. It should stay in place, but it might start unraveling. Just remember to get here as soon as possible after every performance,” Angel finally talks about something else.

“We’ll freshen up you’re make up and you’re hair between the times. Remember that you need as much time as you can get to change clothes also,” Joyce, the make up artist informs.

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