Ch. 1 My Life

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I live a pretty normal life for a high-schooler. I have friends, straight As being an Asian, proving the Asian stereotype correct, and in the normal crowd in school. Not a popular, nerd, jock, etc. but, just a wanderer between groups. Most people should know what I mean.

I have a wonderful group of friends, which I've grown to trust through all my years with them and we don't have any secrets between us. Even with the boys in our group.

There are two boys and two other girls in my circle of friends and we've been close since middle school. When everyone else drifted apart during middle and high school, we stayed together. Like I said earlier, we don't have any secrets between us. Except for me.

It's not a major secret like you might be imagining however I never thought it would be a problem, so I never mentioned it to them and they never asked about the topic. But as time went on, I started hiding it from them scared that it would change my life.

And it did. However it didn't change my life suddenly, my life changed little by little. Slowly, but surely.

Oh, how rude of me. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Jade Jung, Korean name Sooeun Jung. I was born in the USA and currently live in LA, California with my parents. I'm currently a sophmore in high school and like all asians am studious and cares a lot about my future. I love K-Pop and barely listen to English Pop.

Oh yeah. My secret? I have three older siblings. You're probably wondering how that can be a secret, but it's huge for me. My siblings are world famous. They're on the tv, gets awards, and are loved and known by everyone in Korea and some around the world.

My siblings are Jessica from Girls Generation, Krystal from f(x), and Kai, my older brother who just debuted under a group called EXO. They are currently working under SM Entertainment, a huge industry in Korea.

My life was pretty quiet and easy to live for quite a while, but that changed when K-Pop started to get known and loved. Hey, I can't blame them. I love it too! But, it didn't help keeping my secret a secret at all.


"OMG, did you hear Gangnam Style yet?"

"It's so weird."

"I love it."

"That guy is cool."

The first conversations I heard on the first day of school of sophmore year was about Gangnam Style, by Psy. I wasn’t too worried though, because I was fairly sure my friends wouldn’t really research about K-Pop although they loved Gangnam Style. However, they loved Gangnam Style and made me proud of my culture! Thanks to Psy’s Gangnam Style my friends didn’t tease me or question my love for K-Pop.

“Jade!” I turned around toward the sound.

“We have first period together! Remember? Let’s go!” My friend Miranda said.

Miranda was one of my best friends. We met in fourth grade and never split apart. She’s 5’3 and really skinny. Her shoulder length black hair is luscious and never messy. Miranda’s very cheerful, optimistic, and always hyper and as a result, nobody can hate her. She’s the social butterfly making everyone her friend in five minutes the total opposite of me.

Miranda linked arms with me and started dragging me toward first period, English.

“Hey, did you see Zach or Jonathan yet?” She questioned.

“No, why?”

“I haven’t seen them yet and they’re never late.”

“Miranda! Jade! I can’t believe you ditched me!” Melody yelled.

My K-Pop Secret (SNSD, F(x), EXO) {ON HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now