Ch.3 Overprotective Brother

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Three weeks flew past. I felt as if I got whiplash from the speed the three weeks flew by. I had no idea how the three weeks flew, because it was painful.

All the books, stories, movies, etc. made the days you dreaded seem to slow down, as if every second was a day, but that wasn't how I felt it. In fact, the more I wanted the days to slow down, the faster time went.

I never was able to tell my secret to my friends. Most of it was my fault; I avoided them or tried to anyway, and hung out with my friend that wasn’t a K-Popper, Odilia.

I was really hanging out with her, because she was very understanding and didn’t question or had an obsession with K-Pop like my other group of friends.

However, I felt as if a stake was being pierced through my heart whenever I saw my group of friends look at me with sad eyes. It was as if they seemed to know that I was trying to avoid them and understood that enough to not come over and talk to me.

As I spent time with Odilia, I discovered that having friends that didn’t like K-Pop had both positive and negative aspects.

My other group of friends still invited me over for making the posters, sleepovers, and wardrobe choosing days, which made me feel even worse.

I followed all of the posts that they made, to see what they were up to. I felt as if I was a stalker.

I finally got the courage to talk to them about the SM concert.

“Did you guys already buy the S.M. Tour tickets?” I asked cautiously. I was afraid that they would turn their backs on me because of the way I acted towards them for the last few weeks.

“Yup, we had to stay up until 3 in the morning to get them. They were sold out minutes after we bought ours! We bought yours too, just in case…” Zach replied.

Miranda and Melody was obviously ignoring me. They seemed mad and I didn’t blame them. I would have been furious if I was in their places and if my friends ignored me too.

However, much to relief, the boys didn’t seem to mind. Like I expected, boys didn’t mind much of anything. Girls were much more dramatic and hard to deal with.

“You guys, I’m really sorry about how I acted. I had some complications within my family and I guess it got the best of me,” I pleaded.

It was as if a spell that was on them was broken.

All four of them looked up at me and smiled.

“Aw… Sorry about that. We didn’t know. We thought you just ditched us for no reason. I hope your complications were solved!” Melody replied.

I sighed a breath in relief. They forgave me and I didn’t lie. Not really, okay a little, but the complications were because of my family, so it wasn’t a complete lie.

“I’m sorry to say this, but you guys have to sell the tickets on E-Bay or wherever,” I said seriously.

Their faces showed their shock and disbelief.

“We stayed up until 3 AM to get the tickets and we have to get rid of them? Why?” Miranda snapped.

I looked at them nervously and then broke into a smile.

“Because I have better tickets. I got them for free and they’re VIP tickets,” I said happily.

“WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?” All four of my friends yelled at the same time.

“On one condition though. We’re taking Odilia with us also.”

“I’m okay with that,” Jonathan said.

My K-Pop Secret (SNSD, F(x), EXO) {ON HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now