Ch. 26 My Life is the Definition of Awkward

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone~ Long time no see~ Super long author's note at the end of the chapter. Thank you for sticking with this story until now.

Without further ado, the next chapter of My K-Pop Secret~~



"I still can't believe it..." Odilia says for the millionth time.

I lie down on my bed next to her and look up at the ceiling blankly.

"I don't even know anymore," I answer.

"But seriously... Wow."

"Hey, at least the day seemed to go by faster right?"

"Yeah, our boring moments were taken up by random males wanting you for your looks," She says bluntly.

I sigh, "Yeah, that part bothers me a lot..."

Odilia seems to pick up on my bitter, frustrated tone and gives me a small smile.

"At least this is better than not being acknowledged by boys at all!" She jokes.

"I guess..." I answer deep in thought.

What should I do if these askings keep on continuing? I hated having to reject people who got the courage to ask me and the feeling of guilt and awkward atmosphere stifled me. As much as I felt like a jerk for making complaints about being popular, I wasn't used to this treatment and felt like I was out of my shell.

"Why don't you just say that you won't be going to the dance at all? That might stop the askings," Odilia suggests carefully looking for my reaction.

I look at her and she sighs,

"I know you want to experience the 'normal life' while you can, but honestly? It's not normal right now already..."

"I hate how you're right," I agree quietly, "Maybe I can go to the dance with only friends instead of all boys?"

"I. Am. Not. Going. To. A. Dance," She states before I even can suggest to her that we go together.

I start laughing at her expression, which shows that the idea is absurd to her and then a new, funny idea pops into my head.

"What if you get asked?" 


"So, did you get asked to your dance yet?" Jessica asks enthusiastically.

Kai exits the group video chat and the rest of us start laughing.

"Jessica! You don't just start the conversation with that!" Krystal scolds.

"I'm being honest," Jessica shrugs.

A request from Kai to join the chat pops up and Krystal accepts it.

"I'm hoping the subject has changed by now?" Kai asks as soon as he joined.

"Nah, Jade still hasn't answered the question," Jessica informs.

Kai makes an expression of disapproval but doesn't exit the group video chat.

"Soooooo?" Jessica motions for me to continue.

"Apparently my performances at SM Town have spread between boys at our school and so boys I don't know have been asking me to the dance," I explain slowly.

"You're finally popular!" Jessica laughs.

"Jessica!" Krystal sighs.

"Why am I here," Kai mutters causing the tension to lessen.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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